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Posts posted by chx

  1. After some drastic changes in my life I am slowly piecing together on who I see myself as, starting with my childhood which was... difficult. To say a certain quote in Oathbringer hit me like a brick is an understatement. Since I was already in Europe, flying to London for the signing event seemed like trivial, and so:


  2. On 10/20/2017 at 2:04 PM, Argent said:

    It is not too much, no, but he may not recall the symbol you ask him for easily. Especially since it is Isaac Steward, his art director, who designs these things. 

    Well, https://i2.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/oathbringer-endpaper1.png?w=900&type=vertical&ssl=1 we will have a hint if we can find another copy of Oathbringer nearby :) and I think that won't be too hard.

  3. One more thing came to mind regarding flaring: if they could they would've wanted to flare the metal since their goal is to get rid of it so yeah totally makes sense. One thing still bugs me: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071220122839AAzloNta cubic meter of steel is seven tons. Let's presume it's the same for atium but then how on earth did they move fifty tons of metal out of the Trustwarren to the battle scene?

  4. So we know a slave in Pits of Hatsin were executed if they didn't bring up a geode a day. This presumedly went on for a thousand years. If only one slave was used a day you still have 365 000 geodes. This means that each of Team Elend needed to burn ~1000 of them and multiply it per the number of slaves working the Pits. This doesn't seem possible.

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