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Adolin Kholin: Full Shardbearer


This is the second version of my preview image. Both Adolin and Maya in the Physical Realm. 

Here is the link of the short animation that represents the transition between the CR and PR. And possibly how the same 2 things are perceived in this realms or maybe not :) I'm sure we'll have the answer soon! Animation video

From the album:

The Knight Radiant

· 13 images
  • 13 images
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Your art is excellent once again! I love the raw power in this one, really gets the intimidation factor of a hulking figure in Shardplate with a massive sword.

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Thank you guys! This image moved trough a lot of transformations, but the idea always was to emphasize on the sheer size and heaviness of a shardplate. I also wanted to show a bit of the gray of the armor, like a metaphor for Adolin's change of character. Moving from away from the Dandy duelist to a more mature Adolin. I always love to hear your opinions, this is the special-est place for my art.

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This is great! But I have one question; if this is supposed to link to the previous image (as shown by your animation), wouldn’t there be fear spren in this as well? Just the Physical Realm version of them, not the actual creatures :) 

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Thanks! Well As much as I would want to show the whole animation of them passing trough a perpendicularity or something like that., It would take too much time :) I needed something cool looking for one and cool for the other illustration. So they are not necessarily made on the same location. Purple drops just wont be visible on the red sky, purely artistic reasons, If I have to be honest! 


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*stares wordlessly again*




Edited by NoiseSpren
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