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Oathbringer Character Faceshot No.3 - Szeth Gasping at the Black Vines


This is one scene I really wanted to depict! Perhaps I’ve never said before, but Szeth is my fav other than Dalinar in OB =)

From the album:

General SA Art

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First of all, great work Bota!

I am really curious of this, as I always imaginated the Nightblood's "vines" with a direct and heavy look while it seems you see as an ethereal and light stuff

Edited by Yata
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Fantastic work as always @Botanica! And I have to say, I love that you actually draw Szeth with big round eyes while everyone else has narrower eyes. You’re one of the only artists to actually depict them that way. :)

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nice, although if I can express my opinion - I'd love to see it in a more realistic version. With more shadows - anyway, very pretty and for some reason it caught my attention (maybe because I'm bald)

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