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Coin Shot Cryptocurrency....the sanderson coin


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  • 2 years later...

I totally agree with you that Brandon deserves his own cryptocurrency. I'm unsure if anyone here knows how to create a coin, but it's worth looking into. The cryptocurrency world is constantly evolving, and there's always room for new players. Some people would be interested in investing in Brandon's coin. That being said, I did some research and stumbled upon this article that might be helpful: https://fbs.com/blog/metatrader-4-vs-metatrader-5-which-is-better-in-2022-304. It talks about MetaTrader 4 vs. MetaTrader 5 and which is better in 2022. It's not exactly what we were discussing, but hey, it might be helpful for those who are interested in cryptocurrency trading.

Edited by DoubleJarre
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