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 A random thought just occured to me and I wanted to run the idea across other people to see if it might have some merit. 

 Fabrials, medallions and any other "tech" based magic system comes from the Invention shard. These are inventions that allows people access to powers they don't have.

 I'm looking at hemalurgy as an example. It doesn't matter what planet you are born on as long as you have the right knowledge and intent. It spikes out an ability of one person and grants it to another. 

 Working with the same sort of mechanics but vastly different methods. Could Inventions magic system be the reason why different planets are able to create items that recreate powers. Or am I reading to much into this line of thought?


Edited by garlick
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1 hour ago, Ark1002 said:

Good thought! I don't know how likely it is, as all those things are pretty solidly of different shards, like ruin, preservation, and honor, but it could be the background system? Or something. Certainly worthy of contemplation.

There is few similarities in all technomagic in Cosmere. Metals. Waves (Frequencies and colors). Preservation, Ruin, Devotion, Endovment, Honor, Cultivation, Odium, all of them provide Power, but there is other thing what chanells it. And maybe this is Invention part.

If this is true, this mean Inventions Investiture is very wide spread across Cosmere.

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1 hour ago, Bzhydack said:

There is few similarities in all technomagic in Cosmere. Metals. Waves (Frequencies and colors). Preservation, Ruin, Devotion, Endovment, Honor, Cultivation, Odium, all of them provide Power, but there is other thing what chanells it. And maybe this is Invention part.

If this is true, this mean Inventions Investiture is very wide spread across Cosmere.

The catalyst spren/metals, fuel stormlight/stored investiture, and intent from the devices user are supplied from various planets. The device, how someone hacks into the magic system is what I'm trying to say is a part of Inventions magic. Also along the same in the same way you don't need ruins investiture to use hemalurgy, invention wouldn't need to leave investiture all over to fuel it. Its co-oped from the magics that they steal powers from. 

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