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question about the pre-released chapters from Tor books and the printed books

Dess B.

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Rhythm of war is right beside me but i have a problem. My copy is not in English. I started reading as soon as possible and I didn't like how the book was translated so I decided to check the pre - released chapters in Tor's site.

While searching for a specific sentence I noticed thing that I didn't remember reading in my book. Compared my copy of the book with the text in Tor's site... Well i found out that not only the translation is bad but there were missing paragraphs and restructured sentences and thought. And I began wondering - has the translator messed things so much that she had missed parts of the book or the pre-released chapters were not official and the text has gone through changes before printing. I guess that if there were changes to the US printed text so that same edited text is the one translated in to my language.

I think that the pre-releases chapters are the final text bit i cant be sure. I'm going to contact my publisher but first I want to know are the chapters from Tor's site are as the printed ones in US or there are changes.

Hope that someone here knows the answer or can compare for me the two texts.

Thank you in advance!

Edited by Dess B.
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