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The girl who looked up


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Just went through this chapter during my reread. It's commonly accepted that this is an allegory for humans being the original voidbringers, but there may be more.

Shallan summarizes the end of the story by explaining the girl stealing light and bringing it back to her people, allowing them to get past the wall.

How did humans find their way to Roshar?  Could someone (let's say Ash) have, as a young child, accidentally world hopped to Roshar, found stormlight, and returned with it, leading to humans travelling there?

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Found it!

There was another thread (well, there's been lots of threads about this over time) that I was trying to recall:

Another interpretation.  I 100% guarantee that whether it's right or wrong, there's a lot more than just "Humans Were the Real Voidbringers All Along."  I'm sure that every story that Hoid tells is one which refers to an historical moment on the world of Roshar that actually happened (although not necessarily the way it appears in the story); something which has a different impact on the Cosmere as a whole; and something which has direct emotional resonance to the person he is telling the story to at that moment.  There might be more to a story than those three separate things, but I am sure that they will all exist (and separately, so humans being the Voidbringers could be the historical impact and separate from the Cosmerical relation).

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