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A new wiki for Theories


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Hey everyone, I have come to realize over the past several years, that a forum such as this just isn't the best place for permanent showcasing of theories. Its great for discussion and feedback and throwing ideas around, but then the theory eventually gets lost under hundreds of new posts, and it can be very difficult to find an old one, especially if you don't remember any particular keywords.

As such I threw together a wiki (Crafttheories.com) to fill this void.

Only for theories, not for discussions, this should be a way to keep theories accessible, and of course add more as they come to light.

It is not a competitor for this 17thshard forum, simply an adjunct to serve a different, more specific purpose.

I need help in adding theories, it is editable by anyone at this time.

(I also need some people with wiki experience to help keep the place clean, user-friendly, and under control.)

Although it gives credit for who edited the theory, you can also link to any source in the reference section, such as your original reddit posting if want credit for a theory.

Once again, not trying to take away from 17th shard, but simply give it another tool to reference.  Coppermind is a great wiki for learning facts about items, people, and information, but not the best way to showcase speculative theories, as they are not fact, til proven so by the text.

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