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Posting Liveblogs?


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I am liveblogging my reactions to the Rhythm of War preview chapters, and plan to continue doing so through the rest of the book after official release. Currently I'm doing so in a Google Doc. Would it be appropriate to start a thread in the RoW spoiler board for this, to post my chapter by chapter reactions? My reactions are fairly extensive and are not structured in a way that's especially conducive for discussion, so I would feel odd about posting them in the current chapter-by-chapter discussion threads, or in the post-release discussion threads that aren't broken out by chapter.

At the same time, I'm not sure that having a thread dedicated to or centered around one user's thoughts is necessarily a good fit for 17S as a site. What do the mods think?

(I will note that I also did a similar process for Starsight and Oathbringer, also currently stored on Google Docs. So if this is deemed an appropriate use of the site, I might also consider migrating those over despite not being current releases.)

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I've gone ahead and created a site blog and started posting there. The blog feature of 17S is hidden enough that I generally forget it exists, so I believe the danger of someone stumbling upon it inadvertently and seeing spoilers is minimal. However, if the mods disagree I'm willing to delete it and find another solution.

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