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Cultivation and Mr. T

Child of Hodor

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Confirmation of who he met, which makes sense. There is a lot of “seed” talk in the Diagram and it seems like an intricate long game meant to screw Odium over Trojan Horse style, which the Nightwatcher doesn’t seem capable of creating.





Did Taravangian meet the Nightwatcher? Or Cultivation?

Brandon Sanderson

Cultivation. Good question.

Tel Aviv Signing (Oct. 18, 2019)




Edited by Child of Hodor
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Well, to be honest, I freaked out a little when I saw this. I really wanted this to be true, as I had this trio (Dalinar, Taravangian and Lift) in my head that saw Cultivation insted of Nightwatcher (but IIRC Lift was confirmed to see only Nightwatcher and I was sooo sad about this).

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20 minutes ago, Nnatel said:

Well, to be honest, I freaked out a little when I saw this. I really wanted this to be true, as I had this trio (Dalinar, Taravangian and Lift) in my head that saw Cultivation insted of Nightwatcher (but IIRC Lift was confirmed to see only Nightwatcher and I was sooo sad about this).

Was that confirmed? I know she thinks she met the Nightwatcher, and may have met both of them the way Dalinar did, which would mean that just asking if she met the Nightwatcher could be answered with a yes. I remember her mentioning that Dalinar reminded her of the spren that had given her her wish though, and the Nightwatcher didn't really touch him.

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odium was aware that Dalinar had met cultivation and not NW. So he probably knows about T too. 

If dalinar had failed, then T was her plan B. 

But now that plan A dalinar is a success, 

Mao now plan C =  the diagram always required T to make the deal with odium. 

@Karger it is definitely not good for odium at least. 

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1 hour ago, The traveller said:

it is definitely not good for odium at least. 

He seams to be currently working against plan A.  If plan B interferes with plan A then you have made a big mistake.

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27 minutes ago, Gilphon said:

We may have already known this, but this also confirms that the Diagram was written after Gavilar's death, because Cultivation said that Dalinar was the first human she'd personally interfered with in centuries. 

We do know that, because Taravangian's mental state has only been so erratic for a few years. I think at some point they mention he had his faked illness shortly after the assassination.

I always assumed Cultivation set up the Diagram. I neither know nor care if that's good or bad, but it will be fun to watch.

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4 hours ago, The traveller said:

odium was aware that Dalinar had met cultivation and not NW. So he probably knows about T too. 

I disagree. Shards aren't omniscient, and we know that Odium has been extra involved in Dalinar’s life. 

Unless he was paying attention, he doesn't have to know anything. 

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Furthermore, it doesn't seem like Odium knows any particularly hidden details about Taravangian- he knows enough to choose to visit him on a 'stupid' day, but didn't seem to realize that the higher emotional intelligence he has on those days actually makes him better suited to a negotiation like that. And Odium didn't seem to know just how in-depth the Diagram went, and had to figure out the specifics of Taravangian's intentions by reading it. 

I got the general of feel him having given Taravangian cursory looks in the past, but hadn't made an in-depth study of it. So we can infer that he probably wasn't paying special attention to the Valley on the day Taravangian visited. And since no one in the Diagram seems to realize that he didn't meet the Nightwatcher, there's no other way for him to know what happened. 

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5 hours ago, Gilphon said:


I got the general of feel him having given Taravangian cursory looks in the past, but hadn't made an in-depth study of it. So we can infer that he probably wasn't paying special attention to the Valley on the day Taravangian visited. And since no one in the Diagram seems to realize that he didn't meet the Nightwatcher, there's no other way for him to know what happened. 

That’s a fair point. So it is likely that cultivation is going to blindside him again. 

What possible use would he be for odium, apart from spying on dalinar? 

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1 hour ago, The traveller said:

What possible use would he be for odium, apart from spying on dalinar?

With Alethkar taken by the Fused, and them being a country in exile, Taravangian is currently king of the largest non-odium controlled military in the world. 

Having that little ace tucked up his sleeve to undermine the coalition would be appealing on its own. 

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