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Edit. I'm not sure this is what I was looking for. It mentions make him choose a champion. But it doesnt have the vex him part make him think he can loose. Maybe I'm remebering it wrong or i missed it gonna read it again 

Edited by garlick
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On 10/14/2019 at 1:07 PM, garlick said:

I'm looking for the part where honor tells dalinar to vex Odium make him think he can loose. But I dont remember if it was the first or 2nd book. Anyone able to help out

Is it Honor telling him that, though? IS IT?!

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Oathbringer Chapter 16: Wrapped Three Times - 

In visions, Honor had left Dalinar with a task. Vex Odium, convince him that he can lose, and appoint a champion. He will take that chance instead of risking defeat again, as he has suffered so often. This is the best advice I can give you.


I believe this is just a summary and not Tanavast's actual words though.

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