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Dalinar’s oaths


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I know this is a bit crackpot but is it possible that what happened at the end of oathbringer was dalinar jumping to the the highest bond smith oath. for some reason “I am unity” just reminds me of bale explaining that the fifth sky breaker ideal is to become one with justice. I am not saying nothing else also happened but can this be a significant of what surprised the stormfather? (I noticed when I reread it the wording in the book is such that the stormfathers surprise could be way different from what dalinar assumes we are left only with what dalinar assumes he means)

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If you look at the coppermind he only said the third. This question has been asked before and there's a WoB out there that he didn't say more than one oath in Oathbringer.

Edited by Watchcry
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There's this WoB on the matter:

Hoidonalsium [PENDING REVIEW]

In that one long rejection of Odium, how many Oaths did Dalinar swear before merging the Realms? And is "I am Unity" the fifth.

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

No, that is not an Oath. He swore one ideal in that experience.

Hoidonalsium [PENDING REVIEW]

Okay. How many Oaths is he on?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

The number you think. So, he should have just finished three, right? Or maybe four. I'll have to go look. It's the number that you think it is. I'm not being sneaky on you. There's nothing sneaky there. He doesn't get armor, so I can't remember where he is... He should be at three. "Life before death." "I will unite instead of divide." "I will stand up each time I fall." Yeah, so he's done three.



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