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TWoK Ketek meaning


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Each book is seperated into 5 parts, each of which has a different thought associated with it that describes it. Combined, all the thoughts form a ketek.

In WoR, the formed ketek was made by Navani in her journal. In the third book, the ketek was written by Jasnah for Shallan's wedding.

In TWoK, the ketek was spoken as a death rattle by an illiterate Herdazian man, who didn't speak the language the death rattle was spoken in. One more important fact to note is that Brandon has said that, like in mistborn era 1, either the first or second book in the series has a hint toward the last chapter in the series. I think that that hint is the ketek.

Notice that in the second two keteks, their meaning makes sense. This suggests that the first one's meaning will also make sense.

The ketek itself is:

"Above silence, the illuminating storms - dying storms - illuminate the silence above".

I think that perhaps "dying storms" could mean that the stormfather dies, and maybe "the silence above" could mean that there aren't any shards left alive, at least not in the Rosharian system. "illuminating storms" doesn't sound like it means anything other than being a filler, but I might be wrong about this. Idk what "above silence" could mean.

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I always read the last part, "The Silence Above" as a hint towards the revelation that Honor is dead, thus "above", where deities usually are placed, no one's left.

If I remember correctly (don't have the book on me rn), part three of TWoK is "Dying", which refers to Kaladin almost dying in the Highstorm?

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Or possibly Honor's death. The "silence above" might mean Braize or Ashyn (more probably the latter since it's commonly associated with silence i.e. The Silence Divine), but I don't know why either of them would be illuminated by Honor. Maybe Braize via the heralds.

Edited by Elegy
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It could also imply something else.  Often you can infer something drastic happening by the lack of something that normally would be there.  Like if you walked into NY and it was dead quite you could tell something was up.  Perhaps the ketek refers to a sudden lack of either everstorm or highstorm when we all expect one.  This could indicate either victory or an apparent victory undercut by something else.

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