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I've been lurking this forum for about 5 years now and finally decided to make an account. I'm excited to join the conversation but intimidated by all the knowledge here! I hope one day to be as fully consumed by this universe as everyone else here. :3

I love the Stormlight Archive but my first and greatest love is Mistborn. It's just such a great story! If I had one kind of Allomantic power I'd probably choose Soothing but it's harder to make a punny username with "brass" so I chose zinc. :P I live in Seattle, I love dogs and birds, my favorite thing about the morning is getting to comb my hair because I love the feeling, and I write for fun. Reading Brandon's work is both inspirational and disheartening as someone who writes for fun, since I know I'll never come close to his greatness. But, it's also a great learning tool reading all his books. Plus, reading is fun yo. Cheers!

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7 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

Who's your favorite character and what Sanderson books have you read?

I've read Elantris, Warbreaker, all of Mistborn (both Eras and Secret History) and all the Stormlight Archive. I haven't picked up Edgedancer or Arcanum Unbounded yet but I'm sure I'll get around to it. I haven't read any of Brandon's non-Cosmere works, I love the shared universe aspect so I'm sticking to what I like for now.

I'd say for favorite characters, I really like Shallan (I know she's a polarizing character but she's a favorite of mine) and I have always loved Kelsier as a character. He's got a super dark streak to him which I love, I really enjoy when a character gets their hands dirty, but I also like that he's clearly not "evil" either. A nice ambiguous fellow. Keeps you guessing. There's always another secret! Edit: a word.

Edited by ZincAboutIt
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@Shard of Thought I think for Radiant orders I'd definitely be a Lightweaver. I've struggled with a very "lite" version of Shallan's problem with creating different facets of myself for different people based on what I think they want from me. It makes it hard to make genuine friends or to mix my "groups" of friends because I can be different enough with each group that melding the versions would be hard. I'm big on weaving a world of my own for other people to live in - that's what a story is, after all. I'm a big storyteller, and a great liar lol. I try not to lie on purpose but I wouldn't be attracting any Honorspren anytime soon let's just say that :P 

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44 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

@Shard of Thought I think for Radiant orders I'd definitely be a Lightweaver. I've struggled with a very "lite" version of Shallan's problem with creating different facets of myself for different people based on what I think they want from me. It makes it hard to make genuine friends or to mix my "groups" of friends because I can be different enough with each group that melding the versions would be hard. I'm big on weaving a world of my own for other people to live in - that's what a story is, after all. I'm a big storyteller, and a great liar lol. I try not to lie on purpose but I wouldn't be attracting any Honorspren anytime soon let's just say that :P 

The Radiant orders are cool because everyone in their own way is kinda broken. I think maybe that's why so many people like it so much. (I'm more of a Mistborn fan myself ;)) You can fit yourself into that world so easily. People will be people in any world you place them in, finding themselves in trouble then finding hope and love and moving on. Gosh, I didn't mean for that to be so deep. 

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