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Hoid Witblessed

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Hello, fellow Brandon Sanderson fans! 


I have no idea what I'm supposed to write here, but oh well...

I have read all of the Stormlight Archive books, the first two books of Mistborn, Edgedancer, Steelheart, The Rithmatist, and Skyward. Obviously, I have a couple of Brandon Sanderson books left on my list ^_^

I found Brandon Sanderson books by my brothers and my dad. They kept ranting about them at the dinner table, so I decided to give them a try. It took a while to get into The Way of Kings at first; the length made it hard to start. As soon as I got into it though, I knew I had to read all of his books! 

My favorite characters from The Stormlight Archive would probably have to be Wit, Kaladin, or Lift (along with their individual spren); although my favorite right now is Renarin! My favorite character from Mistborn is probably Kelsier (still), and/or Elend. 


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I have a friend who literally quit WoK a hundred pages in because of how depressing it was, so congrats on pulling through that. 

My favorite Cosmere character of all time is Kelsier, still. Even though the first book I read was Mistborn: TFE (maybe because the first book I read was Mistborn: TFE?). 

Question for you: If you were stuck on a deserted island in the middle of the Reshi Isles, with no other islands for forty miles around, who would you want to have with you: Kelsier, Sazed, or Lift?

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Nice to have you on the Shard! You have great depths of information here. I suggest you read the final era 1 Mistborn. It really is great. Vin is my favorite character however the first sanderson book I read was actually WoK.  Also, when people offer you a cookie here (it likley does not make sense here but you will see what I mean) do not, by any means, accept it. (but you can if you want to. Just know the reprocussions)

Edited by ElendVenture
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2 hours ago, ElendVenture said:

Also, when people offer you a cookie here (it likley does not make sense here but you will see what I mean) do not, by any means, accept it. (but you can if you want to. Just know the reprocussions)

Venture, I'm insulted. Every cookie I have ever offered has been 100% safe and spike-free. It's the DA lurkers you need to look out for.

Here, I'll offer you a cake instead @Hoid Witblessed in case you have doubts about the cookies. Welcome to the Shard - where baked goods have become a war!


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@Silva I would be  inquisitive as to whether the cookies have spikes or not. I believe that they do. And I bet the cake does too...

Here, @Hoid Witblessed, take an apple strudel from me. It might be laced with Ghost-blood but at least it dose not have spikes...

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13 minutes ago, ElendVenture said:

@Silva I would be  inquisitive as to whether the cookies have spikes or not. I believe that they do. And I bet the cake does too...

This just got....*stops talking and instead considers her response*. Questioning TUBA's trustworthiness? @ElendVenture, we were CREATED to make spikeless things. See this if you doubt my word. The very first point.


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Thanks! It's great to finally be able to find other Brandon Sanderson fans. 

Ummmmmmm.....probably Lift. If I have to die, I want to die with awesomeness. (Also, I'm not sure how far her powers extend. Maybe she can be awesome on water too...?)

Shard of Thought:

Thanks for the welcome! I'll definitely look into reading Secret History. My favorite color is probably black (although not technically a color) or maybe dark blue. What's yours?

ElendVenture and Silva:

Um...What is TUBA? And DA? And what are the reprocussions for taking a cookie (or cake, or apple strudel)? Why are baked goods a war? 

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One of the more popular things on this site is the D&D style Sanderson thing they call the Alleyverse. There are three main groups.

One group, the DA (Dark alley) puts Hemalurgic spikes in baked goods.

TUBA (The Underground Baking Association) doesn't.

And there are also the Ghostbloods.

Edited by Rashek of Bridge Four
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