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AonDor and Identity

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Hello Shard!

It's by far time I've been on the shard without creating a proper theory! This ones been brewing in my head for a while and its time I share it with the world, and besides, the Elantris forum looks a little empty...

So my proposed theory is that the magic system of AonDor is separate from Identity and Connection unlike any other Cosmere magic system we've seen.

We know that the Dor, or the Investiture of Devotion and Dominion, exists inside the Cognitive Realm. We also know that Connection and Identity plays a big part in what makes the Spiritual Realm, where most Investiture is stored. Aons have a wide range of powers and this could be due to the lack of set rules put in place by the Shards of Adolusium, they also can effect practically anyone! I believe that these factors leads to Identity having less of an impact on Sel's magic systems. Of course, Identity and Connection still effect the magic, otherwise anyone could draw Aons, Elantrian or not! To prove this theory more information could be used, either we all wait for the sequel to Elantris or we ask Brandon some questions, hopefully not being RAFO'd!

This is my first theory and I would like to know what you think.

Questions For Brandon!

Could an Elantrian make a stamp with an Aon on it then use it instead of drawing their Aons?

Could Multiple Elantrians work together on drawing one massive Aon, would this have any effects on the magic?


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3 minutes ago, The Forumlurker said:

Hello Shard!

It's by far time I've been on the shard without creating a proper theory! This ones been brewing in my head for a while and its time I share it with the world, and besides, the Elantris forum looks a little empty...

So my proposed theory is that the magic system of AonDor is separate from Identity and Connection unlike any other Cosmere magic system we've seen.

We know that the Dor, or the Investiture of Devotion and Dominion, exists inside the Cognitive Realm. We also know that Connection and Identity plays a big part in what makes the Spiritual Realm, where most Investiture is stored. Aons have a wide range of powers and this could be due to the lack of set rules put in place by the Shards of Adolusium, they also can effect practically anyone! I believe that these factors leads to Identity having less of an impact on Sel's magic systems. Of course, Identity and Connection still effect the magic, otherwise anyone could draw Aons, Elantrian or not! To prove this theory more information could be used, either we all wait for the sequel to Elantris or we ask Brandon some questions, hopefully not being RAFO'd!

This is my first theory and I would like to know what you think.

Questions For Brandon!

Could an Elantrian make a stamp with an Aon on it then use it instead of drawing their Aons?

Could Multiple Elantrians work together on drawing one massive Aon, would this have any effects on the magic?


AonDor depends on Connection. You can't become an Elantrian if you don't have a Connection to Arelon, Teod, and the other country that Galladon's from.

Elantrian can make a stamp, that's what Elantris, the city, is one giant huge stamp. They can't normally create a soulstamp but someone from Maipon and also has the scepter could create soulstamps in Arelon.

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They can create Aons on or with basically anything as long as they are precise and intend to.

It could be argued that Elantrians are more Connected that most of the other magic systems given that you can only become one by having a Spiritual Connection to Arelon, Teod, ect, and you can only effectively use Aons while in the vicinity of Elantris.

As for Identiy, the scene where Raoden figures out how to fix Aon Dor but is still unable to target himself or Galladon seems like it would have had a lot to do with it. The whole failing to complete the metamorphosis into an Elantrian probably disconnected them from their Spiritual selves (including their Identity) to some degree causing many things to not function properly.

More generally, I think that Connection, Identity, Investiture and Fortune are probably the four most critical Spiritual aspects and are likely to be present in most magic systems.

Mistborn stuff to follow.


I included Fortune in the list because it is in the same quadrant as the other three aspects on the Feruchemical chart. I really have a very limited grasp on what it does but feel like it has to be important by association.


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6 hours ago, The Forumlurker said:

When I said stamp I meant, could an Elantrian carve out a stamp with an Aon on it, without magical proprieties, ink the stamp or something and press it down to create an Aon. And I didn't say NO connection I just said LESS.

The magic systems are completely reliant upon connection to the land they sprung from. An Elantrian couldn't make a stamp. But it's very possible that if a MaiPonese Forger learned the Aonic equivalents of their symbols, that they would be able to, and continue to use their art in the Opelon region. 


Viper (paraphrased)

Aons look like Arelon; soulstamps look like MaiPon. Aons get weaker when you get further from Arelon, right? That's not just cause Elantris acts like a focus?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

That's right, it's based on distance. That's why there are no stamped objects in Elantris.

Viper (paraphrased)

So do soulstamps get weaker further from MaiPon? If you left Sel via Shadesmar and went to another planet, would the soulstamp stop working?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

That's correct.

Viper (paraphrased)

Could soulstamps be carved that used Arelon as a base form instead of MaiPon?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

That's very interesting, isn't it?



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On 1/5/2019 at 7:10 AM, The Forumlurker said:

Could Multiple Elantrians work together on drawing one massive Aon, would this have any effects on the magic?

We know that this can happen since at the End of Elantris the Aon that is Elantris is modified with the adding of the chasm line.
We've seen no effects on the functioning of the aons as a result of being made by multiple people and given the code like nature of the magic system i doubt there would be any. 

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