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The Precursors

Darth Woodrack

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The army cheered and fired their weapons into the air. The sky lit up with the light of rocket fire and the sounds of gunshots. The Precursor army was ready to go into the world, and help anyone in the Alleyverse with their law and order problems, and would respond to any threat to law and order across the planet. They would not force themselves upon other cities, and would not be dangerous.

Welcome to the precursors! Our mission, is to maintain peace and order within the Alleyverse. We will go to war, but only if we believe that joining one side will maintain peace and order for a more long term amount than the other. Unless they are erratic and viscous, we will generally join the winning side. We would like to ally ourselves with any law enforcement group, and will go in to try and stop any battle, or disruption of piece in existence. We have 50 regiments, which each regiment has 2 hundred men, and the regiments are shown below. I also have to say this. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY who is not a god, or a member of the precursors, will have command of more than 3 basic soldiers from a normal regiment. That is all bribes will get you. Nobody can bribe crawler guards. Nobody.


The basic regiment composition consists of 80 basic soldiers, 10 snipers, 20 chasers, 30 scouts, 55 riot, 4 enhanced, 1 super.

BASIC SOLDIERS: The basic soldiers are armored in fairly durable and light kevlar armor, with thin steel sheet over the chest regions, and other vital areas. Their helmets are titanium, and have a heads ups display, as well as a com system. They are armed with light assault weapons that can fire any type of round, but are usually loaded with rubber for basic patrol. Tey are fairly well trained and can easily beat a small street gang with 1 to 4 odds.

SNIPERS: The snipers are armored fully in kevlar, and their aluminum helmets have a much more advanced heads up display, that provides them a 30 to 1 zoom. They carry high yield sniper rifles, that shot a shotgun style projectile that when come within 3 feet of their target, explode into a micro filament net, with a electric charge running through it. They are very well trained and are some of the best snipers in existence.

CHASERS: These men are very good runners, and can sprint incredibly fast, for very long distances. They wear very light kevlar body suits, and wear gauntlets that send a taser shot through whoever the hit. Their light steel helmets give them infrared, ultraviolet, and processed night vision, as well as motion detection, and radar systems.

RIOT: Riot troopers wear heavy steel armor, and carry both shock batons and large shields. Their helmets give them limited heads up, and they are trained to be incredibly good fighters, so they can fight off trained attackers, and stop large masses. They are selected from either the best hand to hand fighters of the basic troopers, ot their most brutal. They are the personnel favorites of Thel, and his primary regiment has and extra 20 of these men.

ENHANCED: These men are either low level sand master, skilled awakeners, very skilled rithmatists, fuerchemists, allomancers, hemalurgically enhanced, or very low level epics.(I haven't read skyward yet, so don't get mad at me.) They are all very skilled fighters, and spend most of their free time training. They are the leaders of specific groups of soldiers, and the support for the commander.

SUPER: These are mid level epics, radiants, powerful sand masters, twinborn, very hemalurgically enhanced, or have an honor blade. They are freakishly skilled fighters, and they are not allowed to take command until they spend at least 6 years in dead on training. They are all zealously loyal, and will fight to the death to uphold their oath.

CRAWLER GUARD VARIANTS: The guards of the crawler are the same, but they are all freakishly loyal, and are the best of the best. They are outfitted with the best available equipment, and weapons. 

THE CRAWLER: The crawler is a three kilometer tall, kilometer in diameter, tower, with 5 legs that bend upwards from the bottom of the tower and them come back down. It has several hundred anti personnel weapons, and has a massive prison that takes up the middle kilometer of the walker. It also as an incdernary, and execution room, as well as a courtroom for appeals, and trials. It is powered by a motivator in its core.

HISTORY OF THE PRECURSORS: The precursors were originally the remnants of the FBI in a unstable Reckonerverse. The Thel came, one of the only epics who had overcome the darkness on their planet. He took over, as the current leaders were corrupt and otherwise unfit to lead. He then trained the entire army to be good soldiers. These ten regiments formed the Crawler guard. He then had them take New York back from the epics who had taken it has a head quarters. Their leader was an epic with immense reaction time, incredibly good reflexes, and very good strength. He also had a healing factor, and very good senses, along with the ability to create a personal shield When he was killed they only had enough motivators to create three sets of armor, that could generate personal shields, and self repair. Thel got one, and saved the other two. They built the Crawler to hold epic criminals, out of the motivator of an epic called Tesla. He could multiply electrical charge, and turn kinetic energy into electricity. His motivator powered the Crawler. They also had motivators for an epic that could limit brain functions, and a weather manipulator. They gave both of these to Dusk as thanks for this; Dusk was experimenting with Reckonerverse multidimensional transportation, and he accidentally transported the Crawler to the Alleyplanet. They started building forces and trying to decide which guild they should present themselves to. They eventually decided just to announce themselves, and to attempt to become the police men of the Alleyverse.

SPECIAL INCURSION: These are the elites of the Precursors, They are taken from the best of the Crawler guards, and their is only three regiment of them in existence. They are outfitted with the best armor, best weapons, and best support staff. Everyone one of them has a Anatran Mark III assault rifle, which fires 2 bullets a second, and has a 202 bullet mag. They use special bullets produced by Dusk to function as regular bullets, but knock people unconscious instead of killing them. Their helmets use a combination of visual light, night vision, ultra violet, thermal, motion sereneness, radar, and investiture surveillance to make it that they can see everything. They report to Walker as their regiment commander, and then after him only to the leaders of the Precursors. They are trained in master marksmanship, stelf, special incursions, assassination, and hand to hand combat. 



I vow to uphold the law of whatever territory I am currently in, I vow to not allow a crime I have the capability to stop, and I vow not to accept bribes*.

*This is in general, and out of character. If it relates to us, don't accept bribes.

Edited by Darth Woodrack
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Scar smiled from where he stood, by Thel. His blood red armor glowed slightly, giving him a demonic appearance. He laughed, walking out of the bridge of the ship, into his private quarters, black, with a golden dragon biting its tail on the wall. Afterall, Scar was a Channeler. He looked down, at the symbol of the Aes Sedai on the floor. HE took of his armor, and smiled, leaning back on the chair. We're ready at last.

Well, yay, we're finally active! Woop woop!

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Tena took time off to go grab some stuff. She, since she was a very senior member, took a jetpack and didn't pay for it. 


Fang was one of the leaders of the Precursors. The mission of maintaining peace had always called to him as an Edgedancer (and, privately, he wondered why his mother’s spren hadn’t terminated their bond; Tena saved so few compared to the lives she took). That aside, he was ready.

Edited by Ookla the Grizzled
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Dwig stood up, his chair shooting out behind him and knocking over a pile of books.

"WHAT DO MEAN THEY'VE GATHERED FORCES!!!!! WELL, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!! WHATDYA MEAN IT'S MY JOB! WHAT IN RUIN'S RUSTY LEFT TOE AM I PAYING YOU FOR THEN!!!" he slammed the phone down on his desk and glared a it for a while, before picking it up and dialing another number.

"Yeah, its me. Notify squad 105 that they are to prep for deployment."


I'm gonna edit this tomorrow with some other stuff.


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Thel called GB, "Hello, I would just like to notify you, we are a police force, and we do not mean war. We do not want to fight you, and we don't want to start a war. In fact, we would like your endorsement to operate, and would like an embassy in your city, and your support to be allowed to maintain peace."

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