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The One, Evi's religion is the oldest and truest


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I don't even know of a better name than following The One. But we know that Ash says refers to Adonalsium when she passes out at the end of OB. The way she talks while pregnant with Adolin made me feel certain that her pagan religion was referring to Adonalsium and Dalinar had his answer about god kind of right there in his flashbacks. 

I mean we are given such hard Vorin viewpoints and we know it's fake but still view the pagans as weird and crazy because our viewpoint does. At least I do. 

With the desolations it could be the oldest lasting religion alongside the passions. 

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48 minutes ago, Invocation said:

There was a topic about this a few months ago, I believe. There was a WOB somewhere about it (one way or the other) but I can't find it right now.

I think the argument was something along the lines of "Evi's nationality is Riran, which was part of Iri in the silver kingdoms Epoch, and the Irialans traveled the stars, so their religion may be based on facts from the greater cosmere, such as the existence of Adonalsium, therefore Evi's religion is talking about Adonalsium.

The WoB's your thinking of might be:



Evi, in Oathbringer, she uses strange idioms and you mentioned you wanna be on the lookout for people who use strange idioms... Is Evi native to Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Yes... Her people are related to the Iri, who are not native to Roshar. But she is not Iriali herself. And all the Iriali, they are native to Roshar, people who are born now, even if their people aren't. So Evi-- You can say, right, like, no humans are native to Roshar. But, yes, she was born on Roshar.


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The WoB in question from the previous thread is this one I believe. 



Is the Iri religion based on knowledge of the [Shattering], anything like that?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Kind of, yes.


But they don't know it?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

They don't know it, yeah. I would say yes, there are echoes of it. There are more recent events that they don't even quite remember that are more influential.



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Oh, nice! I guess I didn't search thoroughly. I was looking for religions and I got a lot of Dark One to sort through. 

I still get nervous posting here. But for me to put together a clean theory that could be accepted (in general, not just about this) what does that need to look like. 

We know Roshar predated the shattering and I want to theorize that outside of a parshendi/listener/singer religion then The One is the oldest religion on Roshar. The biggest piece of evidence would be two pieces of text, Evi explaining how to petition the one for change by using the Old Magic, but not through the Cultivation spren Nightwatcher. A He, which is likened to Adonalsium. Then the text about Old Magic not fitting the other magic systems on Roshar that is used for Renarin. 

Why its important? What is going to happen to Vorinism in a year, when book 4 takes place? The countries that follow this "pagan" religion are almost all following Odium, while all the vorin kingdoms are banded together fighting Odium. Will Odium strengthen their resolve and belief in their church to make them a much stronger/ passionate army?

Will the Vorin church keep trying to hold on to their old ways after Dalinars Oathbringer comes out as the condemnation on Vorinism that it truly is. That there is no morality, no meat, and no meaning to the religion. What happens if Radiants pop up in the Ardentia? What if there is a small revolution and the information Jasnah and the radiants need about the Recreance comes out of the Vorin church, who destroyed it in the first place? Will the Heralds usher the end of the church or will they try to fix it. 

I just feel like we keep treating religion the way the books tell us to treat religion instead of the larger player that it really is/could be. 

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