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Does this theory hold water? Vin is Cultivation


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This might be crazy, but is it somehow possible that Vin is Cultivation?  From WoB:


Q:  What are Cultivation's feelings with regards to the Stormfather?
A:  Cultivation's feelings-- I don't think that has spoilers-- Cultivation is, um uhhh [long pause] I just have to decide how I can say things that are not spoilers.  Cultivation, the Stormfather reminds her of certain things about someone else she knew, and she feels the same way about the Stormfather in some ways as this person she knew.



Q:  Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?

A:  Yes.



Q:  Did Cultivation come to Roshar with Honor, or was she already on Roshar when Honor arrived?
A:  Good question. They came together.

Edited by navybrandt
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I was about to say the timeline's wrong, but actually I'm not sure that it is. C and H arrived on Roshar what 8k years before the books? I'm pretty sure HoA is before that. The real problem is whether Vin would be able to pick up a shard since she's well.... dead.

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For some reason this particular mini-theory keeps coming back to life every so often. We've established, with very high confidence, that Vin is not Cultivation. Not only do we have a WoB that he is done with Vin and Elend, they are dead for good, the timeline is off.

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Im pretty sure its Honor since he talks about Odium coming and about fighting and then being dead. We know the storm father isnt dead and from the way the stormfather acts its obvious that he has the mentality of a spren/splinter not a shardholder. Once again, I could be wrong but I need to look it up

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