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4 hours ago, Hordolur said:

I just finished reading Legion and have to say the 3 short stories are great.  I have also read the short story Shapshot; After reading this what series should I start on from Brandon?

That's a hard question, there isn't a single book of his I didn't like. A good start into his fantasy works could be "Mistborn - The Final Empire" or "The Way of Kings".
Mistborn is shorter and maybe easier to get into the setting than "The Way of Kings". Both of them are the first book in a series.

So if you prefer a standalone novel you could give Elantris a try. I enjoyed it a lot, but you have to keep in mind, that is was the first book he ever published and therefore it has some flaws. (And I still love it ;) ).

If your more interested in a more dystopian setting you could read Steelheart.


I hope that helps you a bit, if you have any questions regarding the books, feel free to ask!

And a short warning: you should be careful while browsing the forums. There are tons of spoilers around!

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1 hour ago, Hordolur said:

Thanks, I have steelheart and The Way of Kings purchased; Not sure if I wanna start The Way of the Kings series since not completed yet. I will go with Steelheart then Mistborn

Good decision! One day you'll simply need to read them all :lol:

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