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Best (potential) puppy owner


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  1. 1. …who is / was / would have coolest interactions with Nightblood?

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Just for the Rule of Cool: who would you (most) like to see with our favourite sociopathic Awakened sword in their hands and why? Including the original owner.


My personal choice is Lift, because a ) they have kinda similar style of dialogue/humor, b ) she's awesome and c ) it could lead to some Realmatic mess, because of her peculiar abilities. Also, she'll feed him. With food.

Edited by Eri
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I love the interactions between Vasher and Nightblood in Warbreaker. Vasher is a deadpan, no-nonsense sort of guy, while Nightblood is... a puppy. It's like the best kind of buddy cop routine.


Szeth's interactions with our favorite evil-destroying sword are bound to be interesting-- so far, we've seen little of Szeth's personality outside of his inner torment as a Truthless. But his unique view of the world is bound to make for some interesting conversations with Nightblood.


Kaladin... I really doubt this could work. Firstly, he already has a talking sword/spear whatever, and secondly, his primary attribute is protecting while Nightblood has a far more proactive stance towards evil. That is not to say destroying evil can't be considered protecting: I just don't think it's a natural fit.


Shallan also has a talking sword. While any conversation between her and Nightblood is bound to be interesting, I just don't think it has a lot of potential as a character dynamic.


Dalinar. That could be pretty cool. Since Big S refuses to be a Shardblade, Nightblood could be a real boon for Highprince Kholin. Dalinar's matter-of-fact manner would be reminiscent of how Vasher interacts with the sword. Nightblood might even remark upon how similar they are. So yes, I would like to see that. :D


And as soon as I sing the praise of a Dalinar/Nightblood combo, I get to Hoid on the list. For a while people actually speculated that Hoid's sword was Nightblood, but this was denied. It would certainly be awesome to see...


Jasnah, I doubt. I have a hard time imagining it. Jasnah would have little patience for Nightblood's puppy-ness, and Nightblood would be annoyed at how little she drew him. I doubt anyone, least of all the characters, would be very happy with this duo.


Lift! That would be awesome, no pun intended. The unique worldviews possessed by the two characters would make for endlessly fascinating scenes and viewpoints. Imagine the later five books: Lift, just as gracefully lethal as the Edgedancers of old, wielding an alien sword of immense power. All while giving snappy internal dialogue. That, again, would be awesome.


Adolin! In the past I have supported "I will destroy evil" as Adolin's second Ideal as a Dustbringer. If this occurs, then Adolin wielding Nightblood would be truly amazing. Who even needs a spren if you have a sword that pushing you through your Ideals?


Eshonai would also be interesting, but at this point I have a hard time imagining any conversation between the two.


Lopen? Lopen? That would be... strange. I imagine they would have a long, strange talk about random things and then the world would break. (< Brandon Sanderson's answer to "Could Alcatraz wield Nightblood.")

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Lift and Nightblood would most certainly be awesome (to make that pun again). Their ridiculousness would certainly complement one another quite nicely. Plus, both are insane.

I actually think Kaladin and Nightblood would be pretty hilarious. Kal, like Vasher, is pretty deadpan, no-crap. Though their beliefs would conflict greatly, I still think they would have some hilarious conversations.

Elhokar and Nightblood would be interesting. Elhokar's somewhat insanity and his seeming lack of purpose would go well with Nightblood's own craziness and simple purpose. And both are childlike in their own ways.

For some reason, I feel like Nightblood and Zahel, the swordmaster ardent, would be perfect. Don't really know why, though. :P

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For some reason, I feel like Nightblood and Zahel, the swordmaster ardent, would be perfect. Don't really know why, though. :P


Eh, that's a little far-fetched. Let's stick to possibilities that actually have a chance of becoming canon, OK? :P

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Eh, that's a little far-fetched. Let's stick to possibilities that actually have a chance of becoming canon, OK? :P

Like Nightblood 2.0, a literal Awakened cannon that will be the main weapon of Yesteel in Warbreaker's sequel.
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I would prefer to see Nightblood with Dalinar. He is without a sword and he mentions, at the end of WoR, how he needed to let the Blackthorn come out once in a while. That would serve this exact purpose.


If not Dalinar, then why not Elhokar? Geez, I hate the character and I absolutely do not want to see him becoming a KR (as he totally is 100% undeserving of such a reward, in my view, unless he comes back and do something really deserving which is doubtful and no getting drunk and whining on how bad of a king he is does not count), but I could settle with him linked to a deadly sword with a bad mouth.

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I went with Lift just for awesomeness.


However I do think Kaladin (sans Syl) and Nightblood would have been an interesting combo. Add pre-Syl Kaladin in the cage...

Kaladin: *mope* My life is pointless. Everything I do fails.

Nightblood: Let's kill some evil!

Kaladin: But what's the point? I never win!

Nightblood: Who cares about winning? More killing!!

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I think NB and Lopen would be awesome. "Get me some spheres so we can do some glowing!" "Would you like to destroy some evil today?"

"Yep Gancho, girls love a glowing Herdazian with a talking magic sword."

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I voted Vasher but i think Szeth is going to be interesting, I think Szeth will initially not see the evil in what the sword asks him to do. Which will likely lead to Night blood himself gaining are stronger concept of evil and then stop telling sezth what to do, sadly this may lead to the end of our puppy like sociopath but would lead to some seriously interesting dialogue between him and Szeth, and even more so when he reunites with Vazher.

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Adolin already enjoys talking to his sword, and if he doesn't become a Radiant, he'll have massive amounts of power on top of his skill with a normal blade. It'll be especially interesting if he goes evil at some point, which is possible based on some of his recent actions.

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I'd be really afraid of Adolin with Nightblood. As Bloodfalcon says, he has some potential to turn based on his killing Sadeas and his general inclination to turn to violence (though that often was a as a result of Sadeas, so that may no longer be a problem. This, combined with the fact that (no offense to him) he is not the most intelligent person and could be easily manipulated, would make for a potentially terrifying outcome if he were to get Nightblood.

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Yeah, out of all the good guys I would trust Adolin with NB the least.

Yay! Lopen is tied for second!!!! All the Herdazian cousins have joined with me to bring about the glowing lord of amazing,glowing,flying,sticking,one-armed-now two-armed, Herdaz :D


Also, why isn't the Stick on the list?

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Yeah, out of all the good guys I would trust Adolin with NB the least.

Yay! Lopen is tied for second!!!! All the Herdazian cousins have joined with me to bring about the glowing lord of amazing,glowing,flying,sticking,one-armed-now two-armed, Herdaz :D


Also, why isn't the Stick on the list?


Adolin's mind does not need to be further corrupted by a deadly sword. He would be more in need of sword calmly talking, preferably with the voice of Dalinar, "Want to do some breathing today? Yeeeees breath in, breath out, let go of the anger...."

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