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Sorry if I reek of virgin but I have an idea you could possibly try out on your podcast. Do an episode with 1,2,3 aspiring writers on it and ask them directly their fears, troubles, goals, and try to interject as much wisdom back at them as possible. Yes I know that is exactly the premise of your show but sometimes getting the question directly from the horses mouth gives you the anxiety/fear behind it better than a pants-less Howard could. It might be... possible... that you all are too far removed from 'writing virginity' to remember the anxiety over it all???

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  • 1 year later...

Brandon did plenty of that when he was a teacher at BYU, but it would be interesting to hear our hosts workshop a newbie's manuscript on the air. I wouldn't want to be the poor schmuck in the hot seat though. Where are you going to get someone gullible enough brave enough to volunteer?

My current struggle is that my manuscript is done... but it ain't done yet. I have to <sigh> edit the thing. Writing is fun. Editing is work. I'd like a show about getting up the gumption to Edit. Has there been a show on editing yet?

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I am that brave and gullible soul. (I can make this rash statement because the time difference would make it impractical.)


@Dave - I've had that very thought before myself so obviously it's an excellent idea. I know they've done something like this before with their own early projects (short, I'm sure), but I really think it would work. I'm at Season 8, Ep. 32 in my catch-up and they are at the WE Retreat, so there are lots of 'newbies' around who would fit the bill, presumably.  (p.s. Sorry it took me 15 months to notice your post).


@Chuck - Yes, there are a couple, I'm coming up to one in Season 8 (Ep.46).

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