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The owner of the voice on the back cover of Book 1.


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I've been wanting to post this for a long while, but I've finally got around it. I think I've figured out whose voice it was that said the thing on the back cover of The Way of Kings.


The owner of the voice has the properties of the following:


1. Very, VERY old, as he/she seems to remember the time "Before the Heralds abandoned us and the Knights Radiants turned against us. While there was still magic in Roshar and honor in the hearts of men."


2. Can watch four POV characters at once. Or her kind/race can. ("Four of whom we watch.")


3. Has lived through the (seeming) victory and seen the world fall. ("So we've won the world, yet lost it.")


4. Has quite a gentle disposition, very poetic, and very reminiscent.  More than likely, a female. The tone of the back cover message sounds very much like that. ("One of them may redeem us. One of them will destroy us.")


From the info I've gathered from Book 2, I think the owner of that voice is a female spren. Probably one very old, and not Syl. As Syl has been with Kaladin since he was still fighting in the army and is unable to watch all main POV chars at once. She's attached to only Kaladin. And Syl has forgotten much, definitely enough not to remember the things said on the back cover. It's definitely not the storm father, as he seems too angry, too... hmm, bitter to say such things.


Has anyone figured out the identity of this voice's owner? I haven't been here for over a year. Forgive me if this is not new or that I'm wrong. I'm looking for any confirmation or flaws in my theory.


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