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Why Oathbringer is so Important [Sibling Theory]


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What order [of Knight Radiant] did Oathbringer come from?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

I'll RAFO that.

At first glance, this WoB tells us almost nothing.  But why would Brandon be so close-mouthed about Oathbringer?  After all, he told us what order Adolin's Shardblade was from even before OB came out, and it seems likely that Maya will be important to the plot.  So what makes Oathbringer different?  I propose it's because Oathbringer is from a very special order of the Knight's Radiant.  That's right, I think Oathbringer may have come from a Bondsmith spren.

I think Oathbringer is what happened to the Sibling.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but hear me out.  First of all, I'm not saying the Sibling is completely dead and is entirely contained inside the Shardblade.  We know that Urithiru is at least partially functioning since the oxygen level is maintained despite a high altitude, and the text has made it pretty clear that the Sibling is not dead, merely dormant.  However, I believe that a large portion of the Sibling's investiture is contained within Oathbringer, and is the reason they are essentially comatose.  

I think its also obvious who is responsible for "killing" the Sibling in the first place:  Melishi.  Although it's not directly stated he was bonded with the Sibling, its implied as both the Stormfather and the Nightwatcher are still very much alive and active, while the Sibling is not.  And why wouldn't Melishi abandon his oaths along with the rest of the Knights Radiant?  He was directly responsible for causing almost every Singer in the world to go braindead!!  If anything, he should have been more emotionally affected by the event than any of the other knights.  

A huge hurdle for this theory is that it seems like Bondsmith spren shouldn't be able to become Shardblades.  After all, the Stormfather has made it clear to Dalinar that as a Bondsmith, he will never have a Blade.  But, we do see Dalinar collect enough of the Stormfather's investiture in one place to form something functionally similar enough to a blade to activate an Oathgate.  I believe its possible to go farther, but only with the permission of the spren.  The Stormfather was actively resisting Dalinar.  But what if he had whole-heartedly cooperated?  Is it physically impossible for a Bondsmith spren to form a Blade, or do they merely avoid doing so because of their principles, because they think its beneath them (or something like that).  If Melishi and the Sibling talked it out, and they both believed it was the right decision to abandon their oaths, I think the Sibling was fully capable of sacrificing a huge portion of his investiture to form a Shardblade, incapacitating theirself.  

Given the information we have, this seems like the most likely explanation for what happened to the Sibling.  Sure, Brandon could introduce new elements to account for it, but hiding things in plain sight is what he does.  And a lot of attention has been drawn to Adolin and Maya.  Could this be misdirection?  I think after Adolin almost inevitably resurrects Maya, the Radiants will try to awaken other blades as well.  And Dalinar already has a connection to Oathbringer, which we see since instead of screaming in his head, it merely whimpers.  Plus, as Dalinar advances in his oaths and his personality begins to increasingly align with his order's ideals, his connection with the Blade can only grow.  So, he seems potentially capable of doing the same thing as Adolin.

Thoughts, anyone?

Edited by ILuvHats
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The biggest issue I have with this is that Bondsmiths didn't have Shardblades. 



And there's one last question if I may: I'm really into swords and such. I couldn't help but notice king Elhokar's Blade. It's just... All the others are ornamented, and they may have some glyphs, but it is the only one where it is explicitly it is told that there are ten fundamental glyphs on it which are the glyphs of the orders. I read some of the chapters from Dalinar from Unfettered II, and I know how he got it for Elhokar. Is there also some more backstory to this Blade?

Brandon Sanderson

There's a backstory to every Blade and every one of them is special, that's the problem. But I will be exploring the origins of some of the Blades. Eventually. Not a ton, but a little bit.


As it is ornamented in such a way... Could it be related to a Bondsmith?

Brandon Sanderson

Bondsmiths didn't have Blades.


All of them? It's just... Maybe it was just the Stormfather...

Brandon Sanderson

No. That's a really good guess. Really good guess. I'm gonna RAFO Bondsmiths because you gonna learn a lot about them in the next book because it's the Bondsmith's book. That's a really good theory, but it's not true. 


But maybe there is at least something to it.

Brandon Sanderson

But there's a reason to it, why it has all the 10 orders.


That said, Brandon's pulled weirder things on us before... 

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@Calderis When Brandon said Bondsmith didn’t have Blades, I interpreted that as meaning historically, they didn’t have them, and as far as the characters were aware, they didn’t have them.  Not an absolute “it is physically impossible for a bondsmith spren to manifest as a Shardblade.”  It does seem like an absolute, definitive answer, though.  Do we have confirmation that bondsmith spren were physically incapable of committing investiture to form a blade as opposed to not manifesting as one due to choice?

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43 minutes ago, ILuvHats said:

@Calderis When Brandon said Bondsmith didn’t have Blades, I interpreted that as meaning historically, they didn’t have them, and as far as the characters were aware, they didn’t have them.  Not an absolute “it is physically impossible for a bondsmith spren to manifest as a Shardblade.”  It does seem like an absolute, definitive answer, though.  Do we have confirmation that bondsmith spren were physically incapable of committing investiture to form a blade as opposed to not manifesting as one due to choice?

No confirmation of the reason, just that they didn't. Like I said, it's a hurdle... But it's Brandon so who knows. 

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I raised a similar point a few months ago, and in addition to the points already listed someone suggested that it was possible that Melishi could have simply died before the Recreance happened, sparing his spren from being affected. Alternately, the bondsmith spren could just be powerful enough to not be affected the same way as other spren. Or perhaps the fact that they refused to be made into blades spared them.

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2 hours ago, ILuvHats said:

Really?  When was that mentioned?  Or is there a WoB?

Directly from the Gems Archive (Epigraphs of Chapters 68-69-70) 


"My research into the cognitive reflections of the spren at the tower has been deeply illustrative. Some thought that the Sibling had withdrawn from men by intent- but I find counter to that theory."

"The wilting of plants and the general cooling of the air is disagreeable, yes, but some of the tower's functions remain in place. The increased pressure, for example, persists."

"Something is happening to the Sibling. I agree this is true, but the division among the Knights Radiant is not to blame. Our perceived worthiness is a separate issue."


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1 hour ago, Tglassy said:

It would be interesting to know what would happen to the Stormfather if Dalinar broke his oath..Would he die?  Would the Storms stop?  Or would the HIghstorms rage but no longer grant Stormlight?  

Pattern said something in Words of Radiance which implied that the Stormfather was affected by the Recreance because his Bondsmith broke the bond, but because he was so powerful it didn't affect him the same way it affected others. I think that would probably hold true for any of the Bondsmith spren.


“Not just one people,” Pattern said, solemn. “Many. Spren with minds were less plentiful then, and the majorities of several spren peoples were all bonded. There were very few survivors. The one you call Stormfather lived. Some others. The rest, thousands of us, were killed when the event happened. You call it the Recreance.”

- Words of Radiance, Chapter 75


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