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“The Rider[s] of Storms”


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Apparently the Unmade, which consensus holds are the listener gods, “ride the storms” like the Stormfather. Here’s what Eshonai says in Chapter I-5 (Hardcover, p. 395, emphasis added):


“Eshonai preferred a shield. It felt more like facing the Rider straight on. This one, the soul of the storm, was the one the humans called Stormfather – and he was not one of her people’s gods…”


Eshonai had gone out into the highstorm to bond with the stormspren. That is how the listeners change their forms. The reference to “this one” suggests that there are other “Riders,” “her people’s gods.” Presumably, when the listener gods “ride the storm,” they will bring with them some of the other forms of power we have not yet seen .


But we have seen two occasions when what might be the listener gods have been out in the Highstorms. The first was when Kaladin is looking at a loose shutter in Elokhar’s chambers, and he thinks he sees eyes staring though the slats. The second is when he and Shallan are in their chasm “cubby” waiting out the highstorm that has trapped them. There he sees two multi-legged creatures of light.


Each of these appearances occurs before the listeners have called the Everstorm. Where were the Unmade before this, and did they come back because Taln did? Will the KR by themselves be able to face them, or will the Heralds recover their honorblades and also participate? Can't wait to find out...

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