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What exactly are we supposed to expect of the Heralds in the coming books? I would love to see Taln come to deal with his madness in someway, be reunited with his honorblade and lead men against the fused as he once did, but I doubt that would actually happen. So what can we expect of the Heralds instead? Are they so much of a wildcard that they will hinder Dalinar's quest? Will they help out and assist the Radants? Will they turn and support Odium? (is it even possible for a Herald to do this?) Maybe they'll just exist and not do much, but I highly doubt that.

Will Moash/Vyre go around and pick them off one by one? I hope this isn't the case, but who knows.

I'm eager to know what you all think and if we have any hints to base our guesses on.

Edited by Mistborn Radiant
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44 minutes ago, RShara said:

I think many of the Heralds are too erratic to be of much help, but hopefully some of them will help the Radiants and share their knowledge.

Back 5 books Taln and Ash will hopefully  come around since they are set to be flashback characters. I guess they could die and be flashback only characters. 

Taln doesn’t seem like he’ll recover anytime soon. There is something deeply wrong and twisted about the others. 

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