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What void are the Voidbringers bringing?


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It has been suggested that it might have something to do with the Ten Deaths, the way Thunderclasts, for example, leave a hole in the ground when they are created. A void, if I may. Presumably, some of the other Deaths might do the same for their individual essences.


Personally, I think this is too weak of an explanation. I believe it is more likely that it has to do with the wanton destruction they sow, leaving a figurative void wherever they go. Also, according to Dalinar's last vision in the Way of Kings, Odium's goal for Roshar seems to be to obliterate it completely, leaving nothing but a void.


Whatever the answer is, it is a cool name, though. Which might be the "true" reasoning behind the name.  ^_^

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I think it may do with why Shin view stones as holy and only want soulcast goods. The land doesn't replenish itself aside from the highstorms dropping crem so any kind of large scale mining or land mass destruction would be irreversible. The voidbringers seem to have a lot of abilities surrounding large scale removal of land mass(Decayform/Thunderclast). 

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