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Shallan theory


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So far we have seen Shallan tell 2 truths, or 2 ideals for light weavers. But she already had her shard blade, which, correct me if I'm wrong, means she has already sworn 3 ideals/told 3 truths. So that would mean she's 5th ideal? which seems weird to have a full radiant in book 3. But I can't think of any other explanations other then maybe lightweavers get their blade before other orders, but why would they? lightweavers don't really seem like the fighters. I would guess stonewards would get their blades early if any of them do. maybe bondsmiths because dalinar did summon the storm father as a blade before he swore the 3rd ideal.   

If this is true it confirms the whole Radiant wearing shardplate in the last battle (can't think of the name) at the end of oathbringer. 


Edited by supersmith
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Shallan is at 4 "oaths"


tganchero (paraphrased)

How many oaths can a Radiant swear?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

There is an upper-limit/threshold to the number of oaths a Radiant may make. By the end of WoR, Shallan was a step higher than Kaladin.


We see her say them all on screen. 

The first is "I am terrified" which I think is more than just situational, but reflects her generally being a fear driven character. 

The second was "I am a murderer" when she admitted to killing her father. 

The last is "I killed my mother" at the end of WoR. 

Edit: she is only at 4. She regressed and is basically reswearing what she lost. 


Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

He said that at one point Shallan may have said all the oaths for her order (or may have been capable of saying all of the oaths by the end of the book) but has since regressed due to "memory loss/repression."


Edit2: that said, I believe she does have plate and it's another repressed memory, because of this reaction 


He grinned. “You said that Jasnah was a Radiant too. Women, gaining Shardblades. It’s weird, but it’s not like we can ignore it. What about Plate? Do you have that hidden somewhere too?”
“Not that I know of,” she said. Her heart was beating quickly, her skin growing cold, her muscles tense. She fought against the sensation. “I don’t know where Plate comes from.”


Edited by Calderis
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3 minutes ago, Calderis said:

Shallan is at 4 "oaths"

We see her say them all on screen. 

The first is "I am terrified" which I think is more than just situational, but reflects her generally being a fear driven character. 

The second was "I am a murderer" when she admitted to killing her father. 

The last is "I killed my mother" at the end of WoR. 

Edit: she is only at 4. She regressed and is basically reswearing what she lost. 


But she had her shard blade a long time before she said any of those, which would make her a 3rd ideal knight before any of that happened. 

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Just now, supersmith said:

But she had her shard blade a long time before she said any of those, which would make her a 3rd ideal knight before any of that happened. 

She never summoned pattern as a blade prior to reswearing the third at the end of tWoK. So we don't know if she even could have. 

She obviously was progressed enough as a child to have him as a blade, but she had regressed. 

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Shallan does think to herself (paraphrasing) that she had a weapon ten heartbeats away during Jasnah's 'ethics lesson' but we don't know if she could have actually summoned Pattern then and the heartbeats comment that we see reflected in WoR whenever she does summon him before the end make it clear there's a mental block there one way or another.

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She actually attempts to summon it in WoK ch45 

This is the first time she actually sees shadesmar. I was wondering if maybe her regression caused her to be pulled to the Cognitive rather than Pattern be pulled to the Physical, but she re-swears an oath at the same time, so it may just be her soulcasting ability manifesting.

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Her attempt to reach out to pattern there through her mental blocks is actually what allowed her to be able to soulcast at all. Even though she didn't actually try to summon him, she still acknowledged the bond. 


Havoc (paraphrased)

In Way of Kings, Shallan is being chased by Cryptics. She begins to summon her Shardblade, stops and then Soulcasts for the first time. We know from Words of Radiance that it's her bond to Pattern, her Shardblade that allows her to Soulcast. So my question is, if Shallan had not begun to summon her Blade, would she have been able to Soulcast?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

She would not have been able to. Good question! Wow. No one has ever asked me that before.



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Yeah Shallan reached at least the thrid Oath as a child, then the mess with her mother happened and she mades her bond almost evaporate.

In the current events she had to start again from scratches and spoke again the Truths. Of course she has the memory of having a Shardblade and She truly believe to be able to summon it... But she actually never summon it until he spoke again her third Oath.


TLTR: Shallan is a mess and she believed to be able to summon a Blade because she denied with herself about the Radiancy and she thought like if Pattern was just a deadblade at her disposal

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