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Where is Mantiz?


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So, in "The Eleventh Metal", Kelsier is in "the dreary city of Mantiz", located "in the far north of the Western Dominance".

However, on the 10th anniversary map, Mantiz is the southern-most city of the Western Dominance.



Should Mantiz be on the other end of the mountain chain? Or perhaps Kelsier confused north and south? 

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There are several instances of cardinal directions being inconsistent throughout Era 1. Luthadel is the magnetic north of Scadrial, so compasses always point to it and different "norths," "souths," "easts," and "wests" don't always indicate the same direction. It's also fully possible the position was retconned.

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5 hours ago, Artemos said:

There are several instances of cardinal directions being inconsistent throughout Era 1. Luthadel is the magnetic north of Scadrial, so compasses always point to it and different "norths," "souths," "easts," and "wests" don't always indicate the same direction. It's also fully possible the position was retconned.

Yeah...Era 1 was funky. The Northern Dominance isn't the northernmost dominance...that would be the Central Dominance. So as far as I can tell, Fadrex City is actually in the "far north" of the Western Dominance while whatever the unnamed town on the way to Tathingdwen is called is in the "far south" of the Western Dominance. Rust this polar coordinate system.

Edited by Juanaton
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Interesting. Are there examples that Scadrians used a polar system? Even if the magnetic north was Luthadel, I imagine other navigational methods would still work. The sun and its shadows are still visible. I suppose stars wouldn't be available to most due to all the ash.

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8 hours ago, Arkive said:

Interesting. Are there examples that Scadrians used a polar system? Even if the magnetic north was Luthadel, I imagine other navigational methods would still work. The sun and its shadows are still visible. I suppose stars wouldn't be available to most due to all the ash.

Stars definitely aren't an option. Only Allomancers burning tin are able to see them through the ash and mist. I can't remember if they ever mention how they determine direction in-book. Looking through Arcanum I only see references to compasses, so I can't say if they used the sun for navigation.

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