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Who Wrote the Glossary at the End of Words of Radiance?

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Okay, so we know a chancellor of some sort (I don't have a permanent copy of WoK) wrote the Glossary at the end of Way of Kings. However, at the end Words or Radiance, no author is stated. The author, however, seemed to know of other Shardworlds, especially when he/she compared Lightweaving to:


... the ones from Sel

So it probably isn't the same author from WoK, although they used the same descriptions for some topics.


So who wrote the Glossary at the end of WoR?

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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All of the Ars Arcana are written by the same person.  We know this person is not Hoid.  Personally I'm inclined to think it is Khriss, a character from an unpublished book that Brandon has mentioned numerous times during htis tour, as she is far more knowledgeable about the cosmere than Hoid.


(And correction, she compared Lightweaving to the "original Yolish varient" so its Yolen, not Sel.

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It may also be Nazh, the creator of a variety of maps, and the mysterious retriever of things which frankly would be pretty darn hard to get (like Shallan's sunken drawings).


I also lean towards Khriss though, I haven't read White Sand but I've heard she is some kind of cultural anthropologist or something of the sort. Seems like the kind of job that lends itself to writing Ars Arcanum.

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Hi, please forgive my ignorance, but I was under the impression that Hoid was the Ars Arcanum author. Where is it stated/implied that this isn't Hoid? Cheers


Here you go:



Q:  The Ars Arcanum-is there an in-Cosmere author of that?  

A:  Yes, it is in Cosmere

Q:  Because it seems like it'd be written by someone like Hoid

A:  It's not him. I don't know if I've released who it is; but its probably not who people are thinking but it is in-world.



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I find it very likely that the Ars Arcanum author is indeed Khriss. As Tempus pointed out, she is in fact a cultural anthropologist and somewhat of a genius at figuring out the mechanics behind Investiture. The tone of the Ars Arcanum also matches well with her personality from White Sand.

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