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Reading together is more fun.

Alina Two

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I was introduced to Mistborn a few years back, and proceeded to systematically devour all other Sanderson works I could get my hands on. My husband and I were even motivated to give the Wheel of Time another attempt when we ran out of new Sanderson books to read. (We read out loud to each other like a couple of dorks. My son hates it.)


I just finished WoR, and realized again the vast amount of Cosmere stuff I just don't pick up on by myself. I'm not a careful reader - it makes rereading more fun, but it means I miss out on a lot of references if I don't spend awkward amounts of time lurking on forums and comment threads.


So, since I'll be lurking, I might as well be able to talk as well. Besides, I'm a stay-at-home mom for the moment, and until I can continue grad school, I'm always in need for more non-diaper-related, pseudo-intellectual conversation.


I read for characters and ideas. My husband likes plot and fight scenes. It's pretty cool to read books that make us both equally happy.

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