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Void Bringers Are Odium's Jailers (A hint of mindless speculation)

Haradion Drogon

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Allow me to explain.

I believe we have it WOB, that when a shard is invested on a planet - they cannot leave. At least, not without leaving a large portion of their strength behind.


Therfore, I hypothesis, that the Oathpact - or whatever it is that binds Odium, will be totally shattered by the end of the SA.


The SA will not end with Odium's defeat - but with his release. If the KR destroy the Voidbringers, and break Odium's power on Roshar, he will no longer be bound to Roshar - and will be free to continue his rampage across the cosmere.


The pattern of the Heralds - Winning a great battle - then being tortured and hurt - before starting the cycle again, in order to protect Roshar, is therefore a direct reflection of Roshar's role in the cosmere. The Planet is constantly ravaged by Odiums power every desolation - even when they win the battles - essentially being tortured, over and over in order to protect the Cosmere.


Hoid is trying to defeat Odium directly - without unlocking his power, by keeping him occupied and invested. The only way to defeat him, would be to splinter him. So therefore, I speculate that Hoid's plan is to reform Honor - and use its power to splinter Odium, before it cna be released. I wonder if Honor could be "Resurrected" with the heralds and KR, though it would be very different than before. Not Tanavast - a new shardbearer would need to take its power. 


I know this is slim, and is more mindless speculation then any real theory.


Its just guesswork, and extrapolation. Wild conjecture.


Have fun.

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I... Really like this theory.  It kind of reminds me of Well of Ascension, like when Vin thought that she was defeating Ruin by releasing Preservation's power rather than using it.  I could easily see Brandon doing something similar.  Like maybe the Knights Radiant think that to defeat Odium, they must defeat the Voidbringers, but really, that just sets Odium free.

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You could even have a situation where every main character thinks they've won by the end of book 10 - and then the epilogue cuts away to Hoid. He isn't making witty comments. He's staring at the stars as the sun rises, and, one by one, the coming light makes them seem to disappear.

"Old friend," he says,"You are free, and the Cosmere will never be the same."

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The only reason I don't think this is likely is that it is too much like the Well of Ascension and Ruin plot line... I'd be a little disappointed in Brandon if he pulled the same plot for this series that he did in Mistborn. 


The flipside to that though, is that Odium's release on the greater Cosmere would provide an amazing amount of conflict on other planets which we've seen before such as with Harmony on Scadrial, and Endowment on Nalthis.


I wonder if the other Shards (besides Harmony) have been plotting and planning for Odium's escape to try and defeat him, ever since he was captured in the Greater Rosharian system? Maybe that explains the sudden movements of Endowment (i.e. the "sudden" blossoming of Awakening in the Hallendran a few hundred years prior). Maybe Endowment foresaw something that needed her to move and start using a lot of her power to create these massive Divine Breath Splinters... 


You wanted wild conjecture?...


Maybe Endowment is VERY good at reading the future, and maybe she saw the need to get the Returned created so that they would get all scholarly and create a weapon of great power, one that would end up spanning the galaxy to reach the conflict with Odium at just the right time to destroy him... "Would you like to destroy some Evil today?"


You heard it here first everyone... Nightblood is Endowment's long term plan/play to kill Odium!

Edited by Green Hoodie Mistborn
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You heard it here first everyone... Nightblood is Endowment's long term plan/play to kill Odium!

Now that... That is something interesting to think about. I'm sure you were only half serious, but given his Command, it kind of makes sense. Maybe not so much a plan, but a very convenient coincidence.

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Now that... That is something interesting to think about. I'm sure you were only half serious, but given his Command, it kind of makes sense. Maybe not so much a plan, but a very convenient coincidence.


I was only half serious... but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. He started invested with 1000 breaths, but he as absorbed many more of the years of use. Just because the black smoke is linked to those breaths in some way doesn't mean that their investiture is lost... maybe it's been building in the sword ever since it was created, and every time it gets used it grows in power? Maybe soon it will be ready for the ultimate battle with Odium after having absorbed hundreds of years of investiture... 


To awaken steel does require the Awakener to be sitting on 20,000 breaths too... maybe that plays into how powerful Nightblood is/will be in some way. 


Fun idea :)

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