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[OB] Shapeshifting!


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  • Pagerunner changed the title to [OB] Shapeshifting!

Its a cool theory but I would suspect that shapeshifting has more to do with that Sprens already have to shapeshift to change from Spren to blade. I would assume that when you change cognitive investiture into phisical-metalic, using diffrent forms wouldn't be that hard. Surges especally don't come from blade metal since they require bond - they are probably a simple addon, as most of their effects.

But indestructability... That would make sense considering the Oathgate lock.

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Yeah, I don't think that the shape-changing has anything to do with the godmetal alloy ratios, it's because a 'normal' Shardblade is a bit of sapient Investiture that can assume Physical form while an Honorblade was created to be a sword, doesn't have a mind of its own and is thus stuck in the shape it was initially created in.

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