So, we know that hemalurgic spikes have to be stored in blood, or else they lose charge. We also know that a spike can never completely lose its charge, it's like an exponential thing where the spike deteriorates very quickly when it is first created and then the deterioration rate decreases and flatlines. For allomantic spikes, this makes sense- depending on the potency of your allomantic ability, you can be stronger or weaker (ie elend vs vin in emotional allomancy power).
But my question is, how does this work feruchemically? If I were to create a spike that lets me store my weight, leave it out until only .01% of the original potency remains and then spike myself with it, would it limit the amount of weight I store in a metalmind? Or would it affect the rate at which I can store and tap weight? To this point I'd like to bring up the scene in which Wax depletes his ironmind in his manor to break through the floor and save himself, Wayne, and Marasi from his butler's bomb. It seems to me that in this scene, Wax dumps all of his stored weight in but a moment; it's not like he can only take out 5 pounds a second, or something like that. Is this because he is simply a feruchemist, and anyone with even the smallest bit of skimmer ability could do what he did, or is it because he is a strong feruchemist, and there are other skimmers who could not do what he did as quickly (or even others who could have done it quicker)?
TL;DR- is feruchemy either on or off , or can you have weaker or stronger feruchemical ability based on various factors just like allomancy?
If anyone has anything to chime in with, it'd be much appreciated thanks!
So, we know that hemalurgic spikes have to be stored in blood, or else they lose charge. We also know that a spike can never completely lose its charge, it's like an exponential thing where the spike deteriorates very quickly when it is first created and then the deterioration rate decreases and flatlines. For allomantic spikes, this makes sense- depending on the potency of your allomantic ability, you can be stronger or weaker (ie elend vs vin in emotional allomancy power).
But my question is, how does this work feruchemically? If I were to create a spike that lets me store my weight, leave it out until only .01% of the original potency remains and then spike myself with it, would it limit the amount of weight I store in a metalmind? Or would it affect the rate at which I can store and tap weight? To this point I'd like to bring up the scene in which Wax depletes his ironmind in his manor to break through the floor and save himself, Wayne, and Marasi from his butler's bomb. It seems to me that in this scene, Wax dumps all of his stored weight in but a moment; it's not like he can only take out 5 pounds a second, or something like that. Is this because he is simply a feruchemist, and anyone with even the smallest bit of skimmer ability could do what he did, or is it because he is a strong feruchemist, and there are other skimmers who could not do what he did as quickly (or even others who could have done it quicker)?
TL;DR- is feruchemy either on or off , or can you have weaker or stronger feruchemical ability based on various factors just like allomancy?
If anyone has anything to chime in with, it'd be much appreciated thanks!
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