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Looking for a second opinion for a Fanfiction idea


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Hello eveyone. I have been working on the outlines for a Mistborn fanfic for some time now and while I have much of the ideas organized, there is one important plot element that I would love to include but I am unsure if the Mistborn Era 2 tech would be able to provide what I need to make it plausible. 

So here it goes: the story would be set in the 50th year anniversary for the Catacendre and follow the first Double Steel Twinborn on record, who as it happens, is one of Spook's many granddaughters. Without going into too many details, I need her to be able to use her compounding to walk on water for about 20 seconds. Now, I have done some research and according to the math, that would require her to go run at 30 meters per second/108 Kilometers per hour. I think it could be done since research shows that humans speed cap has been theoretically placed at around 45 km and we are talking about a double steel twinborn compounding to very fast effects. However, I have also read from a WoB that such Twinborns would also have a cap in their speed due to air resistance. Does anyone here have any idea if the speeds I am talking about would be too much due to the air resistance and if so, what wild west level resources/clothing could be used to help her handle that 20-second sprint? 

Thank you for your time and for bearing with me.

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Thank you for that information. I will certainly keep it in mind. And yeah, I imagine the energy required to perform this task will burn through the reserves she has been accumulating for much of her life in those seconds but even if I make a sequel I won't really need her to perform such a feat anytime soon after that so I think I am good. Would probably physically strain her a lot though, even if its just a little over half human terminal velocity...hmmm. Thanks again.

Edited by Mistbreaker
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  • 2 weeks later...

Considering that terminal velocity is 55 m/s and she needs 30 m/s that would give her a vector of resistance equal to half of gravity which is like running in on a 30 degrees stair case (so not the worst) with 1.4 times the gravity.

Since she is running 30 m/s instead of human normal 12.5 m/s lets say she isnt using her max and is running 3 × 10 m/s. Since speed is trippled, felt gravity is divided by 3 which is 0.47g. Even on a 30 degrees stair case with half gravity running is not that hard. And if she used 6 time modifier she wouldn't probably even get tired.

Edit: usefull formoua for charging time for running on water:

CT = (modifier-1)*distance/30

I'm using meters and secounds everywhere

Edited by Szmit
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  • 3 months later...

As for clothing, I would advise Goggles, and covering as much skin as possible. It isn't mentioned much in the books, but especially when running so day-, shir resistance would basically blind you, if not damage your skin. Try sticking your head out of a car going a good fifty km/h and you aren't even close to what she'd be experiencing. Covering herself in tight materials would reduce drag and the effort needed to move, same with covering her hair.


She'd need some good shoes too- for water, they'd work best with flat, wide bottoms to avoid piercing the water surface and breaking the water tension, so... avoid running in heels. :P^_^

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