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[OB][All Series Spoilers][Unpublished works] Mistborn (especially Era 4) and Conflux


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Note - this is related to the Interlinked theories thread. This post might seem a little rambly

Part of what makes the Cosmere so interesting is the interconnections between the stories, both overt and subtle. Historic events hinted at such as the history and events leading up to and including Kwaan and Alendi, and the events between Taln being abandoned and modern Roshar, historic and current connections between stories on different planets like the shattering and like the members of the 17th shard searching for a certain drifter, behind the scenes events like Mistborn Secret History, and the unique systems which function differently but affect and are based on the same principles all make the stories have more depth, especially because while you read about Kalad's Phantoms you also know that in the same universe, on another planet, people live on a planet with a sun that stands directly overhead on one side, and another side where the sun never is seen. What other planets are there with their own systems and interactions, and is their life outside the cluster? This sort of interconnection is something I enjoy a lot (and if anyone knows of other stories which do this I would like to know!), but there is something else I think is not always thought of - the main Cosmere stories aren't just connected to each other, they also cover a separate approach to interconnected world building.

Brandon's original outline listed four stories as the main stories in the Cosmere, with others as background and minor stories. The main stories are those set on Sel, the ten Stormlight Archive books, the Mistborn series, and Dragonsteel. The specific worldbuilding and story depth for them - and which the magic systems they use seem to support - seem to be

  • Sel - the different possible cultures that can exist on a planet, with magic systems specifically focused on and impacted by geography and language, factors which affect culture, just as one can be devoted to their nation and seek to have dominion over others
  • Roshar - different takes on honour and the impact of forgotten or false history, uncovering the past and the significance of its events, and growing and maturing inspite of the lies and hardships, becoming better than you were and better than your history, both as a person and as a people, says you should be.
  • Scadrial - development of a single society and culture, impacted by technology and cultural shifts with some things lost and new things gained and some things retained, with the metallic arts themselves specifically able to be implemented technologically, as well as having well documented interactions with conventional physics
  • Yolen - the beginnings of other stories, with a single pivotal event echoing down to affect those who were not directly involved. We don't know too much about the magic or the plot, and what is known is difficult to talk about, so I will avoid saying much more than that at the moment

These core elements are what will drive those specific stories, and I will come to the way they will interact in a moment, but first, the magic systems:

These systems - with the possible exception of Yolen - are I suspect the most powerful and versatile magic systems known, and I don't think it is a coincidence that all of them - again, as we don't know much about Yolen it might be an exception - are on worlds that have more than one shard present. As Khriss noted, systems with more than one shard are rare, only a handful, and those first three hold seven shards of the known ten and total sixteen. It is hard to say that only a handful of star systems with multiple shards if there is more than one other, as that would mean nine or more shards are present on four worlds or star systems, and seven worlds have seven shards. If Yolen has more than one though, it would still make sense as Khriss doesn't seem to know much about Yolen's current status, other than it has Fainlife.

Major world systems:

  • Sel's systems are based on writing and have a strong similarity to the One Power in the Wheel of Time (duality of control and submission, large range of effects based on shapes), and this writing likewise can be used by those who aren't able to directly use the system by being linked to objects such as plates that can be pressed or stamps that anyone can use once crafted. The shapes can be combined together to produce more complex results, with modifiers and conditional activations, and thus can even be structured like a program.
    • The large range of abilities, programmable nature, and lots of power available on Sel are limited by the geographical limits on the range of the systems, but I will cover that later
  • Roshar has at least three magic systems, each I think based on a combination of two shards ((Surgebinding - keeping oaths and in so doing cultivating a bond - Honour and Cultivation) (Fabrials - trapping a spren with what it loves and coaxing its effect by feeding it stormlight while combining it with something else to focus its properties - Cultivation and Odium) (Voidbinding - not much known, but the name similarity and possible "binding" of a spren hints at a connection to the remaining possibility of two shards - Odium and Honour)) and the systems themselves (at least Surgebinding and Fabrials) seem expansive and affect the physical world by exploiting archetypal perceptions of forces, potentially can do the same in the two other realms, and have access to a great deal of fuel while on Roshar. Also, as Fabrials can mimic what spren bonds can, and can be used as part of machinery, the magicpunk development of stormlight leands itself just as well to mechanical applications of magic as Sel and Scadrial do.
    • Powers that affect properties of the physical world in overt and more abstract ways, and hints of stronger connections to the other realms, along with the "crystal tech" portriel and access to lots of power on Roshar again makes the Roshar power very versatile.
  • Scadrial has perhaps the largest range of abilities of any system excluding Sel, as I suspect that each metal when alloyed with a shard metal has a related but distinct effect, such as iron alloys alloying torque to be applies or sideways motion for allomancy, and I think that Preservation and Ruin deliberately made the planet so the three magic systems would be able use or affect the power of other shards. Allomancy draws power directly from a shard, and alloys with a shard metal use that shards power in the shard metal. Allomancy can power Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy can steal several traits. They interact with one another, and with the Cosmere's realms, affecting the Physical realm, Cognitive, and Spiritual. Indeed, Hemalurgy can rewire something very heavily. The pits produced Atium, so it is possible that other perpendicularities can be modified to produce the shard metal of the shard. 
    • Drawing power from any location with no restrictions so long as metal is available, potential ability to use the power of other shards, wide range of affects that affect the realms, and interactions between systems implies that the metallic arts are very versatile


Contrast this with Sand Mastery for example. A key point, however, is that while the major worlds have access to powerful and versatile abilities, and large amounts of power, the minor worlds systems are based on the same principles and can affect things in a similar way, just a more restricted or more fuel limited way. Awakening is very versatile, but is limited by the number of breaths. Aethers I don't know how in depth I can get into, but hints strongly at a usefulness in the space opera series in several ways. Bands of Morning hinted that Shades could be used as weapons and possibly more in a similar way to Spren. The main point is this, however - the major systems allow for a wide range of abilities beyond most other systems, and natural access to a large amount of power to fuel them. The main limitations for the main systems are the fuel when offworld, and getting shard metals, but I think Oathbringer gave a hint as how to gain more in its climax, as perpendicularities can possibly be a source of fuel for all the systems, and I suspect that ships will each contain one or be able to make use of them to travel in the Cognitive realm (or maybe use the Spiritual for teleportation) either by passing through an artificial one, or by using one within them as a "warp core" or hyperdrive, drawing power directly from the shard - assuming the perpendicularities aren't used up, or even if they are and can simply be recharged.


On the stories themselves, however, I think the main focus becomes clearer. The minor stories I suspect introduce elements which are either directly important to future events in the main stories (like introducing Vasher) or events and ideas which will have an impact later on in the main stories, and especially Mistborn 4. A key point, however, is that Brandon writes his stories with both climaxes and twists related to the magic systems, and as I said earlier, the magic systems support the core theme of each, especially Sel and Scadrial. Eventually in the Mistborn space opera it is likely that the other star systems will have discovered how to use their magic systems to travel, possibly by incorperating elements of other magic systems into their own, but unless the ten Stormlight also covers the colonisation of the moons, and contact with Ashyn, only Mistborn will show how a single culture develops its FTL, basing side stories.


Sel's progression


Sel will focus on the impact of cultural identity and how that can shift, and how that will impact the magic. Brandon has also said that the sequel will be written before the events of the second Mistborn trilogy, so it is possible that the Elantris sequel and its sequel will involve a greater degree of unity from the different cultures. The moon sceptre allows for some translation between the magic on Sel, so something like it could be used to unify the cultures, or allow them to work together and collaborate on a magical project such as figuring out how to travel the stars. I think that might be part of the events needed to be told before Mistborn 2. It might also involve something similar to Awakening, with them figuring out the writing needed to make computers or artificial intelligences, or using Seons or Skaze as the core of a computer.

I also think that, like Ruin and Preservation, Devotion and Dominion deliberately chose the impact the people and magic of their world inorder to affect the Cosmere, and that this cooperation between cultures might allow the people on Sel to learn something Devotion and Dominion tried to teach or give the earlier inhabitants of Sel. And that was why they were killed.


Roshar's progression


As I said earlier, unless or even if Fabrials for travel to other planets or the moons shows up before the end of the Stormlight Archives - something I actually think might happen, as contact with Ashyn and visiting the moons and Braize is hinted at by Brandon calculating how long it would take a Windrunner (which can travel with Gravity and bring others along by containing the air with Adhesion) to reach the other planetary bodies and the moons - Stormlight will not involve Roshar becoming a space faring group just yet, mainly due to the limitations of storing enough Stormlight, or using another resource to fuel it. If Dalinar's trick is replicatable, though, that would allow that to happen, but I think the main events will instead involve Roshar openning up more to its own system, and possibly end with hints that they are figuring out how to travel to other stars. Combine that with the idea of Sel becoming more able to travel, and it leads quit closely to the idea of the other cultures showing the foundations of how they will achieve space travel before Scadrial shows directly how it can be done. 

Also, side note that I have said before - I think that in the end Honour, Cultivation, and Odium will be held either completely or in part by ten people, with Nightblood either holding Odium or most of Odium, though Nightblood might hold Odium for the second set before the series end.


And finally Scadrials progression


possible Mistborn side novel or short on the civil war


The war will possibly involve not just the different nations, but the Southern peoples as well, with their own nations involving themselves, opening up for the next series with how their interactions have shaped the political landscape. Bombs using Harmonium, with the danger that a nuke implies once developed, and the thing Brandon hinted they would discover at the site of an explosion of the metal will be discovered, leading to the next series, with that result being the base for new technologies.


Mistborn 3


Firstly, the legacy of Wax and Wayne and Marasi, and Sophie Tarcsel and Governor Aradel will be part of the culture, with Wayne considered a patron of the modern age, having financed Sophie Tarcsel. Wax will have a reputation in Elendel and some of the outer cities as a legendary lawman, while others will see him as a murderer shielded by political influence due to the events of Bands. Marasi will be a famous reformer or activist, possibly the only one still alive at the start of the next trilogy.

The main focus of the series is stated to be a political thriller, but each Mistborn book has also covered several genres, so I think some will be conspiracy and coverups, possibly of the following point.

Sel will be involved, or something that happens will impact Scadrial, like them learning something from worldhoppers, or aliens from another planet abduct people, using Selish magic. Shard metals from other shards will be discovered or brought, but only a limited amount. A conspiracy will be involved to cover up this, or how certain technologies are reverse engineered, possibly using metals found in the crashed ships. While this is similar to the events in Bands, I think it isn't unlikely to be something similar, and I think that computers will be developed using investiture, either Atium and Lerasium alloys involved, or them and other shard metals. Some computers will be traditional, but others will use investiture, and Nicrobursts will be skilled in controlling and using them.


Mistborn cyberpunk


Cyberpunk isn't just about cyborgs, but those are recognised parts - I think Hemalurgy and Aethers lend themselves to cybernetics, and so I suspect that at least Hemalurgy will become something more readily used, at least in the underground, with Hemalurgy allowing for the equivalent of physical augmentations - once properly refined and improved in a more technological manner - as well as allowing access to investiture computer grids, jacking in with Hemalurgic spikes connected to wires.

Corperations introduced in Mistborn 3, themselves based on Ladrian holdings or Sophie Tarcsel's own company if she makes one, will be involved, comparisons of the underclass of that age to Skaa, and worldhoppers involving themselves and selling their services in secret, all kept under the attention of the general populous.

I'm also interested in how Koloss would be viewed.


Mistborn 4


While this might seem to contradict other points stated, I think part of the series will involve finding and using the shard metals of other worlds, including finding the shard not on a planet and getting its metal, getting a unique metal from each of Autonomies avatars, and the mixing of different systems to exploit their connections just like using allomancy and feruchemy together, possibly using Lerasium alloys with other shard metals, possibly using hemalurgy. Sel and Roshar will have already developed a presence, and this series will itself likewise not be directly after FTL on Scadrial is learnt, but rather a little later, after colonies are founded or first contact is made.

Yolen will be visited, which I think is in the centre of the cognitive realm, itself a sphere centred on Yolen. An alloy of all shard metals will be developed, and a threat from outside the cluster faced, possibly with the combined power leaving to start life elsewhere in another cluster.

Kandra and Sleepless interacting, Koloss meeting Siah Aimians, Dragons talking with Spren and Seons. I think that would be cool


There might be other side novels or shorts, secret history followups, but I think this is the main type to expect


The interconnections between them means that the worldbuilding of the Cosmere can have the depth of all these approaches without each novel having to focus on more than one type, and with the space opera Mistborn the combined interactions some of those elements will bleed together, such as the culture of each shardworld interacting like the cultures on Sel, the development of the cultures to become space opera, and the myths and histories of the people being called into questions by their shared history.


To summarise

  • The main Cosmere stories are those set on star systems with multiple shards
  • Systems which have multiple shards have more versatile magic systems than those on worlds with single shards or no shards
  • Those systems will be major players, though others will also be involved and might have a large impact as well
  • Their main impact will be because of the particular focus of the worldbuilding of those planets which in tern are affected by the nature of the shards present
  • The metallic arts were specifically designed to affect both the Cosmere and the other magic of the shards
  • Ships will use - or some will use - onboard or generatable perpendicularities to achieve FTL, and those will also allow access to the shard metal of the shard the perpendicularity is formed from
  • Computers using the magic systems will also be involved soon, with either series showing at least one method before the final series
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