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Harmoni Knight


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If Harmony were to spend enough time on Roshar, he could create Splinters of his own, or possibly give some of the existing spren a 'Harmony charge' (see here for a long WoB where he talks about how Investiture is associated with Shards) if some of them were very closely aligned with Preservation or Ruin. Decayspren for example could conceivably be more Ruin than Honor/Cultivation and over time might become associated with Harmony.

However, even if Harmony were able to Invest in Roshar, whatever magic manifested would still be shaped by the Rosharan system and the sDNA of the people on the planet, so it would be very hard to say how it would function, except that it would work in a similar manner to the current magic systems. So you'd probably get something able to form a Nahel Bond and it would probably result in powers that still draw upon Stormlight as fuel but it might interact with the Surges in slightly different ways. Brandon has mentioned that someone with a Seon bond traveling to Roshar would have powers come from the bond, but they wouldn't do the exact same thing as a Nahel Bond, for example. If you created a 'Harmonyspren' on Roshar, it would probably be much closer to existing Rosharan systems, but still not quite the same.

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