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The nature of the Orders of the KR

V'rish Makik

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So this can be just a general discussion of the nature of the orders of the Knights Radiant's, but I wanted to ask a specific question based on a few simple elements of a few of the "Radiant's reborn".


First two subjects: Jasnah and Shallan

based on what we learned in WoK, they both were soulcasters, which was, if I'm not mistaken, an order of the KR?

It has been mentioned a couple times in each book that some of the KR's could soulcast. Is this ability to soulcast just for special people in the KR, is it randomly dispersed between the orders, or can some members of the KR be apart of two orders?

Second subject: Lift

In her interlude, she grew vines very rapidly to break a window, and she obviously had the ability to manipulate friction by adding friction or taking away. Does this mean she was part of two orders as well since there were two different abilities she had?


EDIT: I just looked on the wiki and found an image that discribed the orders pretty well. I was assuming that two separate powers meant two different orders. So I guess the answer to my first queston would be that only Lightweavers and Elsecallers can soulcast because of Transformation? Or is each shared attribute between two given orders manifested differently?

Example: Lift and Lopen can both use the attribute of Progression to revive people or "regrow" them (I assume Lopen can do this because he started to regrow his arm), but Truthwatchers share the attribute of Progression with them. Does this mean they have the same ability to "regrow" or do they manifest the attribute differently?


Does that make sense?

Edited by V'rish Makik
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EDIT: I just looked on the wiki and found an image that discribed the orders pretty well. I was assuming that two separate powers meant two different orders. So I guess the answer to my first queston would be that only Lightweavers and Elsecallers can soulcast because of Transformation? Or is each shared attribute between two given orders manifested differently?

Example: Lift and Lopen can both use the attribute of Progression to revive people or "regrow" them (I assume Lopen can do this because he started to regrow his arm), but Truthwatchers share the attribute of Progression with them. Does this mean they have the same ability to "regrow" or do they manifest the attribute differently?


Does that make sense?


You're essentially right. There are ten powers (Surges), and each of the ten Radiant Orders gets 2 powers. Only Lightweavers and Elsecallers can Soulcast (via the Transformation Surge), but Transformation fabrials (Soulcasters) can be created to give the ability to anyone.


We don't know if two Orders use the same Surge differently. I believe they get the same powers, though. For example, I see no reason to assume that Kaladin's Gravity is different from Nalan's Gravity. They can both Lash themselves into the sky, though Kaladin may have the advantage because Adhesion could be used to reduce air pressure or something.

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As far as Lopen goes, I don't think it was regrowth he was using.  I think it was more just the healing effects of stormlight.  I assume this due to a comment Brandon made when someone asked him why Kaladin's brands don't heal. He answered that stormlight healing has to do with how someone sees themselves.  So if we take this as someone heals to the point where they think they are whole as they see themselves, then Lopen regrowing his arm would be because he has never imagined himself without it.  This is what I got out of it at least.

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As far as Lopen goes, I don't think it was regrowth he was using.  I think it was more just the healing effects of stormlight.  I assume this due to a comment Brandon made when someone asked him why Kaladin's brands don't heal. He answered that stormlight healing has to do with how someone sees themselves.  So if we take this as someone heals to the point where they think they are whole as they see themselves, then Lopen regrowing his arm would be because he has never imagined himself without it.  This is what I got out of it at least.


I agree.


Aside from the 10 surges, it seems like each KR gets increased strength/speed/agility and self-healing for free. Only those with the Surge of Progression (Growth and Regrowth) are able to heal other people, like Lift and Ym.

Edited by sailense
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