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[OB] Is Jasnah a Worldhopper?


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Hi everyone,

I’ve been thinking about this, and I’m curious to see what evidence there might be for this theory...

Is Jasnah a Worldhopper?

Though I’ve never seen evidence of her on a different planet or solar system, we do know that she’s had more years of experience as a Radiant and with Shadesmar— 6 more years, to be exact.

Not to mention, Jasnah is an Elsecaller, and can literally teleport to different places. We know that Shadesmar, aka the Cognitive Realm, actually has distance, and places in Shadesmar correspond to locations in the Cosmere. For example, the Expanse of the Densities is confirmed to be Sel, and the Expanse of the Vapors is confirmed to be Scadrial. There is a good chance that she has traveled to these places within Shadesmar.

Thoughts? Further evidence?


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There is a non-canon scene that Brandon released of Jasnah in the Cognitive Realm directly after her escape from The Wind's Pleasure. 

It is non-canon as I said, but if it is still close to true, then that was the very first time that Jasnah had fully entered Shadesmar. 

Here is the scene, on Tor.com


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@Calderis That’s super interesting, thanks for the link. You would think that after 6 years of being able to experiment, she would have gone into Shadesmar... Jasnah’s smart that way, lol.

I guess that gives rise to a different question: Can Jasnah elsecall to different solar systems within the Cosmere? Or just on Roshar?

Edited by Ashspren
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2 hours ago, Ashspren said:

@Calderis That’s super interesting, thanks for the link. You would think that after 6 years of being able to experiment, she would have gone into Shadesmar... Jasnah’s smart that way, lol.

I guess that gives rise to a different question: Can Jasnah elsecall to different solar systems within the Cosmere? Or just on Roshar?

I would argue that it is really hard. The 'teleporting' is actually moving to the Spiritual Realm (instead of Cognitive Realm) and then moving back. The Spiritual Realm has no distance, so you can move from anywhere to anywhere (the Oathgates use this, for example). So that should make it possible, regardless of distance. However, Brandon has told us several times that it is very hard, if at all possible (it probably is though) to move a spren off-world. And considering a Knight Radiant, supposedly, needs proximity to their spren to use powers, they would lose their powers by trying to move to another system.

Also, if Jasnah is a worldhopper (the theory that she'll become one, if she isn't one yet, is quite a popular one by the way, though I also like the theory that Shallan will become one considering her relationship with Hoid), she could also move just to Shadesmar and then move off-world there. I would argue there's no reason for her to use Elsecalling beyond moving to the Cognitive Realm. Except, of course, if using it makes it considerably easier and faster, which we don't know. I can see teleporting being much harder than moving to the Cognitive Realm and back though, even if only because Brandon needed a power check from a writer point of view.

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@Ashspren as Calderis already pointed Jasnah never fully transitioned into the CR until WoR's events as Ivory prevented her to fully transition there.

But she will have problem to worldhop also if she wants or if she actually know there are something beyond Roshar(and she now know that).

KR have an hard time to leave Roshar because the Spren are bound to the planet itself and it will need some workaround to make them able to left it.

Edited by Yata
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Just now, ZenBossanova said:

1) Are we going to see that "bandolier" again?
2) I still want to know what that bandolier she had at the end of WoR was.
3) Was it off-world firearms she picked up in Shadesmar? 

1) Define "soon" with respect to Jan 2016.


At the danger of getting a RAFO, I have to ask: will we find out more about [the origins of] (and I quote the source) the " kind of leather bandolier and a backpack"?

Brandon Sanderson
That will be answered pretty soon.

2) Do remember that the scene is from Hoid's PoV, and what that entails. Ciridae summed that up quite well:


Keep in mind that we are seeing this scene from Hoid's point of view. What he may call a bandolier may not actually be used for carrying ammo, but it's the closest word he has to describe accurately what Jasnah is wearing. 

3) And from later in that thread(on the subject of firearms), Ardjet makes a good point:


Might I also point out that even if it is a bandolier for ammunition, it need not be for a gun. You could store any number of small projectiles in one. Arrows, stones for a sling, or bolts come to mind, though it could even have been for something like infused spheres(going off the idea above that it might also just be just a form of backpack). I may be remembering falsely ,as it's been a while since I read them, but I think in Mistborn once or twice someone has a bandolier for vials of metal.

Anyway, lots of different non-bullet options for ammunition alone. Something to think about.

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