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Hello everyone! I am excited to find the Sanderson universe (Cosmere) has a vibrant forum. I have meant to get involved for awhile now, but I am finally graduating from BYU and have much more free time on the horizon.


I am curious, how did you all first hear about about Brandon Sanderson's books?


I was an avid Wheel of Timer and I had written off the Wheel of Time when Robert Jordan died. I was skeptical of whoever they would choose to finish the series. I decided to read some of Brandon's books before the Gathering Storm came out and I was blown away. I have always loved character development in fiction and Brandon is by far the best at creating amazing full characters and placing them believably in fantastic new worlds.

Robert Jordan, R.I.P, but Brandon is by far my favorite author to date.


 I am excited to be here and continue to enjoy these great worlds with you all.


Thanks!  :lol:

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I was an avid Wheel of Timer and I had written off the Wheel of Time when Robert Jordan died. I was skeptical of whoever they would choose to finish the series. I decided to read some of Brandon's books before the Gathering Storm came out and I was blown away. I have always loved character development in fiction and Brandon is by far the best at creating amazing full characters and placing them believably in fantastic new worlds.

Robert Jordan, R.I.P, but Brandon is by far my favorite author to date.


This is the story of a good number of us here, mine included :)

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