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[OB] We need more Navani


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I really want to know more about Navani's past. When the Stormfather is overseeing her and Dalinar's wedding he says she has broken oaths before. While nobody wants their dirty laundry aired in front of all those people, it seems like shes kinda hiding something big.

Then in her POV chapter with the ruling council of Urithiru she thinks to herself that she doesn't want to be in charge, and those would be dark times. 

These things will probably be aired in Jasnah's book, maybe has something to do with Jasnah's alluded imprisonment when she lost her mind. 

I'm so intrigued about her past.

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In WoR she comments to Dalinar that she was never really in love with Gavilar. I took that scene to mean that she wasn't faithful in her last marriage.


Then in her POV chapter with the ruling council of Urithiru she thinks to herself that she doesn't want to be in charge, and those would be dark times.

This is a good point though. She will definitely be interesting to watch

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1 hour ago, Storms! said:

In WoR she comments to Dalinar that she was never really in love with Gavilar. I took that scene to mean that she wasn't faithful in her last marriage

I can't find it right now, but I'm almost sure there's a line where Navani tells Dalinar something to the effect of "I was never unfaithful to Gavilar, though he certainly gave me reason enough". Anybody know what I'm thinking of?

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It was in WoK


“Gavilar is dead,” Navani said, resting her head back against his chest. “I was never unfaithful while he lived, though the Stormfather knows I had ample reason. The devotaries can say what they wish, but The Arguments do not forbid our union. Tradition is not the same as doctrine, and I will not hold myself back for fear of offending.”

She might have been physically faithful but mentally unfaithful?


I'd really like to have her interact with her children or grandchild occasionally...

Edited by RShara
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8 minutes ago, digitalbusker said:

I can't find it right now, but I'm almost sure there's a line where Navani tells Dalinar something to the effect of "I was never unfaithful to Gavilar, though he certainly gave me reason enough". Anybody know what I'm thinking of?

Now that you mention it, I do remember that. Now I'm actually curious what the SF was talking about


Edit: Ninja'd by RShara

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8 minutes ago, digitalbusker said:

I can't find it right now, but I'm almost sure there's a line where Navani tells Dalinar something to the effect of "I was never unfaithful to Gavilar, though he certainly gave me reason enough". Anybody know what I'm thinking of?

Ahhh. I think you might be right, but I only have the audiobooks (e.g., my phone) on me, but that sounds familiar.

EDIT: RShara, quick with the quotes as always, beat me to the punch.

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6 minutes ago, Storms! said:

Is that even a thing? To break an oath I think you need to actually do something

Well, we don't actually know what oaths are said during an Alethi marriage. Perhaps her breaking of oaths was in other areas, apart from the love department. I mean, to follow up @RShara here, in your traditional US (and Hollywood) wedding ceremony the lines are something like "to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in richer in poorer until death do you part," so it could be something along those lines, or it could be simply that the Stormfather, who views all oaths as sacred, is referring to an oath she made to someone else other than the ones she made to Gavilar in their marriage.

There's just too much we don't know...about Navani, about Alethi ceremonies, about life in the GKholin household in general. :/

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I see how Navani could be really appealing as the Urithiru Bondsmith.  My only real problem with the idea is that there are way too many Kholin Radiants :D  I know they're more likely because they were the first, and that's where the spren will be watching.  But it'd be nice to have a non-Radiant among them too.  It's why I'm so torn on wanting Adolin to revive Maya or not.

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8 minutes ago, RShara said:

But it'd be nice to have a non-Radiant among them too.  It's why I'm so torn on wanting Adolin to revive Maya or not.

Exactly my thoughts, every other Kholin is becoming Radiant. Adolin is still the "normal" guy, I kind of want to see more of that tbh. But Navani the Bondsmith is super intriguing! But then that would basically make the entire Kholin family Radiants...hmm.

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3 minutes ago, GarrethGrey said:

Exactly my thoughts, every other Kholin is becoming Radiant. Adolin is still the "normal" guy, I kind of want to see more of that tbh. But Navani the Bondsmith is super intriguing! But then that would basically make the entire Kholin family Radiants...hmm.

I know, right?  Two things, both of which are good, in different ways.......

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