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Taln's SWORD???


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Hi I'm a first time poster, but have been lurking the site for some time now.


I was going through a re-read of WOR when it struck me that the Dalinar took Taln's sword as his own. 


But later on the 'Stormfather' told Dalinar to get rid of the 'abomination'.


When Dalinar called the sword after swearing his oath, he heard a scream similiar to that  Kaladin  and Renarin hears on picking up a Shardblade. 


But considering the sword was supposed to be an HONORBLADE shouldn't Dalinar still be able touch the Blade without hearing screams, considering Kaladin held the Blade which is suppposed to be Jezrien's??

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It struck me as quite strange, yes. First I thought that Dalinar had another Blade, but Adolin disproved that.

But it can be assumed that Taln's Honorblade is different - or, to be more exact, became different. Remember the condition of Taln himself - and I really think that it needed some great trials to wear down a Herald so much. Perhaps the same trials "killed" his sword at least for perception of Radiants and spren.

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Remember, Hoid/Wit was around when Taln first showed up and dropped his blade in Way of Kings.

And then he wasn't there anymore when Bordin showed up with Taln the Madman.

Most people here are pretty sure Hoid switched out Taln's Honorblade with a Shardblade before anybody even noticed. So Dalinar never got or bonded Taln's Honorblade, just some random Shardblade. Evidence for that is Dalinar never showed any Stonewarden surging or powers, or even Stormlight absorption.

And then, yeah. The screams when he touches it after taking his oath is the clincher.

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Another odd about the changed blades. Dalinar used stormlight fighting Szeth, I first thinked that it was duo Taln honorblade, but if the blade are normal shardblade how he used stormlight ? via Stormfather maybe ?

Like Kaladin in the begin of the bond ?

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Well, yes, but they could still report if they have seen him doing this. Hoid is lighteyed, but he is not their lord or commander, so it could be their duty to report.

If there was something to report. Knowing Hoid, he could Lightweave an illusion and leave the guards completely sure that nothing happened to the Blades.

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