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Hey everyone!

So, a little over a year ago, I was struggling to find anything to read.  I decided to go against my no-unfinished-series rule (which I also broke for Patrick Rothfuss, and don't regret), and try The Way of Kings.

Now I've finished Oathbringer and I've read everything except Wheel of Time  I think Wheel of Time would irritate me to read.


So...uh...Stormlight is incredible.  I hadn't become that engrossed in a book for a long time (well, not since Name of the Wind).  So then I decided to read the other Cosmere books..and after that I read all the other stuff too!  The Rithmatist was probably my second favourite to Stormlight.

Least enjoyed was Alcatraz, I guess I don't have the right sense of humour for that kind of joking all the time.


I first heard of Way of Kings from Skallagrim, but it took some more word of mouth from other people before I decided I was desperate enough to break my unfinished-series rule again.  I'm glad I did!


*minor spoilers*


Edited by Snorkel
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I've recently realised what it is about some book (and tv show) series that really irritates me.

Discovery writing.  Particularly discovery writing where they publish as they go, so there's no chance to go back and foreshadow, refine character's roles, and just make sure everything is set up to be satisfyingly concluded.

I get the strong impression that Wheel of Time will really annoy me on that front.  I mean, I know Brandon finished it off, even took 3 books to finish it off so he can bring everything to a satisfying close, but I think the writing style of the rest of the series would be a struggle for me to stay engaged with.

Coincidentally, I started reading another book yesterday and was absolutely thrilled to read the Author's Note at the beginning. It explained that he is a discovery writer who writes the whole series before he publishes!  Of course it's no guarantee that I'll actually like his writing, but I'm looking forward to finding out!

Age of Myth by Michael Sullivan - Author's Note

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Yeah.. With WoT, the story did develop as it went along, but foreshadowing is still highly present. There's even a character who is basically dedicated for foreshadowing. His foreshadowing is very subtle, though, so if you want to truly see all of it you'd have to go back over lots of it and compare to later events. The main problem people have with WoT - among people who read it - is that the writing style is very much show-don't-tell. Everything is shown. The soldiers didn't walk into the room.. The Character witnesses as a small band of armed men in blue surcoats emblazoned with the symbol of House Housington entered the room, eyes roaming to search for threats. Their helmets were hard. Of course, this also lends itself to some of my favourite scenes in writing, where you actually make the exact same mistakes in perception that the characters do, when you could have avoided it by paying a bit more attention..

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