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[OB] Worldspren


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This is just a thought I had. For a while now we've been referring to the bondsmith spren as "godspren," which seemed appropriate due to their power level, and their close association with Honor and Cultivation. But considering what we know about them (including speculation about the Sibling), I think "Worldspren" might be a better name. Each represents a major physical aspect of Roshar, and collectively they could be said to represent the world.

The Sibling represents the planet itself, the great stone foundation on which all else is built. The Nightwatcher is the biosphere, all life that grows upon Roshar. The Stormfather is the atmosphere, and all the weather that shapes the world. These three aspects, bonded together, form Roshar as we know it. And each represents something universal to all Rosharan peoples. They all walk on the same planet, breathe the same air, and belong to the same meta-ecosystem. That seems appropriate for the order of the Bondsmiths.

As far as I know, Brandon has never formally approved the word "godspren," nor has he offered a better term. I theorize that the real in-world term, which will be revealed in a later book, is "Worldspren,"

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The theory I really like is the Sibling Urithirus spren. The way the ancient radiants talk about the Sibling it seems very connected to the city and the city seemed to much more alive. If this theory is correct then Navani might be a prime candidate to bond the Sibling. Investiture wise I feel like the Sibling is probably a mix of Honor and Cultivation. 

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And I completely agree that the Sibling is the spren of Urithiru, much the same way the Stormfather is the spren of the highstorm. I think these worldspren are localized/personified in these powerful focal points, but they symbolically represent something bigger.

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I like the Urithiru idea, but I have a problem with it because Renarin simply says the spren/fabrial of the tower is good at being a tower.

I have another theory. Honor and Cultivation each had a GodSpren. Each is a very powerful manifestation of an aspect of their character. We also know that, against the original agreement amongst all the Shards, these two decided to inhabit the same world--if I'm not mistaken this is because they were romantically engaged. We know that shards interacting can cause unique effects, so what if the third sibling spren is one that was created by the two of them combined?

I'd say that the third sibling is none other than The Passions.

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Is there a thread for discussing The Passions ?

I'm very fond of the idea of them being something really important. Like, the original religion of humans in Roshar. Odium being "Passion", it'd be a religion worshiping him. When did humans leave it for Honor adoration?

Sorry, not on-topic, but The Passions spin in my head.

(Love the idea of Roshar-sprens)

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