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EDIT: This theory has been pretty soundly disproved due to fundamental errors as pointed out by @Weltall.

I don't know exactly when to put spoilers and when not too, but don't read further unless you've read Mistborn.

I was thinking. Yes, I know, I'm proud of me too. In Secret History we see what happens to koloss in the CR when they die. They separate into the people that were used to spike them without memory or knowledge of their life as a koloss. That's a relief, right? It means it didn't change the people into bloodthirsty monsters, they were more used as a battery against their will. But how does this translate to kandra? First off, I'd like to make clear that- in my eyes at least- over the course of its life, a kandra is three sentient, intelligent beings. Two people (made into Blessings), and the kandra itself. The original kandra were four sentient intelligent beings because the mistwraith was actually a Feruchemist. So when a kandra dies, how does it appear in the CR? Does it split into the two blessings and the original Feruchemist, the kandra wiped away? 'Cause that would suck. I mean, a Ryshadium- a storming horse- gets into the Beyond and a fully sentient immortal stops existing? Doesn't make sense. 

Therefore, I propose that when Hemalurgy (do you capitalize that?) is used in a way that it fundamentally changes the recipient of the spike, so much so that their personality is immediately and drastically effected, it creates an entirely new soul. In this case, I believe that when a kandra dies, four beings appear in the CR. 

However, I've just run into a couple of problems. Right now a certain question has been created. "So, do koloss and those disgusting wolf people in the Homeland enter the CR in death, and go to the Beyond?" I would say it depends on the sentience and intelligence on the being in question. For instance, the disgusting wolf people I would classify as simply dissipating into the people used to create it. For original Era 1 koloss I would probably say the same. Era 2 koloss are different, because the human turned koloss remembers his life as a human, and is roughly the same person. When you start getting into koloss like Human, it begins to get philosophical. 

That concludes my rambling theory. Feel free to rip it apart!

Edited by podman36
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Only the first generation were people before hand. Mistwraiths breed true. So the latter generations were created from born mistwraiths. There should only be the Kandra personality excluding the first generation. 

Edited by Calderis
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There's a fundamental flaw in your assumption; a hemalurgic spike does not contain the entire soul of a person, it just contains the specific bit of spiritweb corresponding to some desired ability. When we see Koloss die and the souls appear in the Cognitive Realm, we're seeing the humans that the Koloss used to be, not the humans and the four spikees. There's no indication from Kelsier's narration or the number of souls which appear that suggest that there are more souls popping up than there should be. Kelsier is just shocked because he didn't know what the Koloss were until that point. Here's a WoB that indicates that people killed to provide spikes just pass on very quickly.


Lady Radagu

Does being the donor of a Hemalurgic spike have any implications for your afterlife? Or how about the recipient?

Brandon Sanderson

That is actually going to depend on-- Okay. Yes it has implications for the afterlife. Yes.

Lady Radagu

Okay so are there a bunch of Scadrian souls wandering the afterlife with holes in their personalities or memory or identity? Or some with extra parts tacked on?

Brandon Sanderson

So it has implications, but they are not exactly ones that you are assuming. So in the cosmere there is "dead" and "mostly dead". Okay? And this has been shown several times so once someone dies there is a period before they transition. Sazed talks about this in Mistborn 3. And so most of the implications are for before transition. Does that make sense? Post-transition you are going to have to ask the philosophers and the theologians who are the ones that talk about that. So there is an afterlife and an after-afterlife. Not as many implications for after-afterlife. Middle? Yes. Okay?


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On 1/11/2018 at 3:13 PM, Weltall said:

There's a fundamental flaw in your assumption; a hemalurgic spike does not contain the entire soul of a person, it just contains the specific bit of spiritweb corresponding to some desired ability. When we see Koloss die and the souls appear in the Cognitive Realm, we're seeing the humans that the Koloss used to be, not the humans and the four spikees. There's no indication from Kelsier's narration or the number of souls which appear that suggest that there are more souls popping up than there should be. Kelsier is just shocked because he didn't know what the Koloss were until that point. 


Well... I suppose I did tell you to rip it apart! Upvote for you! However, I'm still curious what happens to the mistwraiths. Do they revert back to a mistwraith or do they keep the personality they had as a kandra? Regardless, this theory/idea is pretty much done.

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