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Hello Sanderson Fans!

I'm new and just want to say 'hi'. I've been stalking the forums for months and decided I should finally make an account lol. I've read everything in the Cosmere and I'm absolutely obsessed. Anyway, looking forward to hopefully contributing instead of just stalking! ^_^

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Thank you! It's hard for me to say which one is my favorite because they're all so unique and interesting on their own. But if I had to choose, I would say Surgebinding because of the bonds/relationships between humans and spren. That makes it stand out to me and adds more dimension to the magic ^_^ 

Edit: A close second would be Allomancy/Feruchemy but Hemalurgy is CREEPY lol. Also, although Breath and Awakening is really cool, the way it works doesn't sit well with me...not sure why :unsure: Maybe because you can coerce someone to give you their Breath? 

Edited by Silence
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Welcome to the Shard, have an upvote. 

If you've read all the books here are some sites you may want to check that are managed by the fandom. 

This link will take you to Coppermind, the fan made wiki for all information pertaining to the stories Brandon has written. It's basically a encyclopedia for the cosmere and most pages are extremely detailed. If you want a broader understanding of what the cosmere is and it's history, Coppermind is the way to go. 

This link will take you to Arcanum. Arcanum is a database that holds all the results from interviews, Q&A's and WoB's(Word of Brandon). It's all the documented questions fans have asked Brandon over the years about the worlds of his books. Small disclaimer, Brandon has stated that all WoB's are subject to change at any point and the only true canon is what's in the books. 

Look forward to seeing you around!

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