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7 hours ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

5 hours ago, Sage Kangaroo

5 hours? It is 7 in the morning GMT. 5 hours was 2 in the morning GMT. Assuming Sage made this post no later than midnight their time, or earlier than 7 in the morning their time, that means they are neither European nor African.

G'day Mates. :P

G’day Mates is a cliche and stereotypical greeting often attributed to the Australians. Australia does fit in the areas theorized to contain this Sage Kangaroo, so it could be a legitimate use of the phrase, but it is far more likely to be a ironic slash mocking attempt to hide their prefered speaking pattern. The fact that is immediately followed by the emoji generally associated with jokes and laughter cements that, allowing us to remove Australia from the list of possibilities.

The color of my fur

Sage spells Color with no ‘U’. Many british derived english languages insert U’s into words after a ‘LO’. The spelling of color has been a point of contention before in these games, making it harder to ascertain whether a player spells it without a U naturally or in a deliberate attempt to mask their nationality.

The color of my fur is a subject of much mystery, leaving the curious viewer to wonder; am I really a kangaroo, or am I secretly a gamma irradiated bunny? :P

Sage obviously has a sense of humor, and plays these games to have a laugh, focusing on their avatar and name before focusing on the actual lynch.  Also of note here is the reference to Gamma radiation. The average person in my limited experience on this site, does not specify what type of radiation is to blame when cracking jokes about mutations caused by radiation. This could be one of two references. This player’s color is Sage, a shade of green. There is a popular Marvel Superhero named The Incredible Hulk who changes to a green color when given over to Gamma Radiation. Sage, upon seeing their avatar picture, could have easily seen that, and is thus a marvel fan. HOWEVER! One of the Older Mods on this forum, since retired, was named Gamma Fiend. Sage could be an older player who played in one of Gamma’s games, and recently interacted with them.

The thing about not having a D1 lynch is that it tends to cause a serious stagnation in discussion, which is even worse with games that have cycles this long.

Excellent! Sage now moves on to discuss the actual game and strategy. They spent two sentences on humour, and 7 sentences on strategy. Sage also favors a D1 Lynch because they favor Discussion. I should like to learn if they would be fine with no one being lynched as long as there is enough discussion. I believe there are 20 posts per page, and there are 30 players. Sage, at what page count would there be enough discussion to justify a no lynch?

Cycles this long? How long are the cycles? 48 hour days? That is the standard length for a Long Game. Interesting that they consider this to be long. Are they perhaps a player of Quick Fixes and Medium Ranges only?

Besides, the statement; "we are likely to hit a villager" is going to be true for quite a while, and we can't hold off the lynch indefinitely.  

What is the point of Discussion if not to make the statement “we are likely to hit a villager” untrue? How long is quite a while? Why can’t we hold off the lynch indefinitely?

Discussion should make us more likely to hit eliminators. The more we discuss, the better our odds. Your statement has an implication of not caring about Discussion, despite promoting it earlier. Your statement of ‘Quite a while’ is spoken confidently. Your insistence that the lynch will happen promotes the inevitability of the death of a villager, while also rendering the people who killed them as blameless, allowing you to vote with impunity on the first day.

This statement, taken out of context, reads highly elim. If you include context though, it reads more as a villager who has experience with this argument.

The possibility that we get an Elim is always there as well, and if we did hit an Elim, that would be simply excellent.

Excellent. Simply excellent. My gut says these words are important, and wants to focus on them. I can’t figure out why. I’ll review it later. As for the actual sentence, it definitely lessens the elimness of the previous sentence, but not of the actual player. Players of every alignment (except for the non Village or non mafia factions) would say that.

And if we do hit a villager, there would then be plenty of things to discuss, which benefits us as well.

And IF we do hit a villager. IF. Sage speaks with a lot less certainty about the outcome of the Lynch. They do not seem to be planning out their post, instead just writing it in response to Ivory Dragonfly. That combined with the pronoun of us indicates that Sage considers themself to be on the same team as Ivory. Actually, the whole post is reminiscent of an experienced player explaining things to a newcomer.

And if we hit an Elsecaller or something... yech.

“Yech”. An Informal Exclamation of Aversion or Disgust. Sage does not want to hit an Edgedancer. Edgedancers allow players to start IM’s. Sage wants players to talk in PM’s. Sage will probably be active in PM’s. Unfortunately, this has no bearing on their alignment as well.

Lets just hope that doesn't happen.  :P

Another :P Emoji. Interesting. This generally indicates that the prefixed statement is a joke, but could also be interpreted as a nervous or uncomfortable. I wonder if perhaps Sage Kangaroo is themself an Edgedancer?

Basically, I am in favor of a D1 lynch, though I accept the possibility that we hit a villager, or, something I like even less, the certainty that we'll be ending someone's game turn one.

A lot of summary of their own 7 sentences. Not sure what to read into that.  However, they do express remorse over the ending of the gamelife of a player, which is interesting, sense only sociopaths play SE. (Oh look, now i have an occasion to use the :P emoji. I will just point that out instead of using it.)

However, my vote for the Scarlet Octopus has nothing to do with that logic; instead, it's because it's just obvious that a real octopus would never survive on Roshar to begin with. :P

Well then. When I said Sage had 2 sentences of Humour and 7 sentences of Strategy, I might have been wrong.

Obviously this vote is what made me decide to analyse Sage. So why did they vote for me? I hadn’t posted, read the thread, read my PM, or even logged onto the 17th Shard when they did. They give a humorous reason for doing so, but i would love to know why they chose to vote on a player that had not logged on yet, as i fail to see how that inspires discussion.

TL;DR: Too bad, go read it. No summaries here.

:o  You've gone full Vizzini on me. 

Well, to start with, I'm just gonna point out it's not necessarily wise to assume a players sleep patterns.  Besides that, the connection Kangaroo-Australia-G'Day Mates is probably a bit more in line with my thought process than a convoluted attempt to hide my true speech patterns.  Besides, if I'd decided that the sole point of this game was to hide my identity in every way possibly, I would have ignored the rules of grammar and posted infrequently.  But that's not the point of this game, is it?

As for my use of the word color, well, I could say something about attempts to hide my true identity with improper spelling etcetera, but we've already established that's not my goal.  Unless it is, and this is a further attempt to deceive you? :P 

You may have a slight case of reading to much into things.  That's all I'm gonna say about your monologue about the word gamma.

7 hours ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

Sage, at what page count would there be enough discussion to justify a no lynch?

Page count does not always directly imply discussion.  You can have ten pages of fluff, just as you can have two pages of highly effective and useful discussion.


7 hours ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

What is the point of Discussion if not to make the statement “we are likely to hit a villager” untrue? How long is quite a while? Why can’t we hold off the lynch indefinitely?

That is the point of discussion...  I'm not saying it isn't.  And I don't know how long, which is why I didn't specify.  I could do the math, if you'd like.   And are you seriously asking why we can't indefinitely hold off the lynch?

7 hours ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

The possibility that we get an Elim is always there as well, and if we did hit an Elim, that would be simply excellent.

Excellent. Simply excellent. My gut says these words are important, and wants to focus on them. I can’t figure out why. I’ll review it later. As for the actual sentence, it definitely lessens the elimness of the previous sentence, but not of the actual player. Players of every alignment (except for the non Village or non mafia factions) would say that.

And if we do hit a villager, there would then be plenty of things to discuss, which benefits us as well.

And IF we do hit a villager. IF. Sage speaks with a lot less certainty about the outcome of the Lynch. They do not seem to be planning out their post, instead just writing it in response to Ivory Dragonfly. That combined with the pronoun of us indicates that Sage considers themself to be on the same team as Ivory. Actually, the whole post is reminiscent of an experienced player explaining things to a newcomer.

And if we hit an Elsecaller or something... yech.

“Yech”. An Informal Exclamation of Aversion or Disgust. Sage does not want to hit an Edgedancer. Edgedancers allow players to start IM’s. Sage wants players to talk in PM’s. Sage will probably be active in PM’s. Unfortunately, this has no bearing on their alignment as well.

Lets just hope that doesn't happen.  :P

Another :P Emoji. Interesting. This generally indicates that the prefixed statement is a joke, but could also be interpreted as a nervous or uncomfortable. I wonder if perhaps Sage Kangaroo is themself an Edgedancer?

Or I just like sounding a certain way.  "Simply excellent" has a certain flair to it, don't you think?  

That's what was happening.  My post reads as a response, because that's what it was.  Dialogue inspires discussion, and it's also an excellent way to read people.  And my certainty varies in part because, well, my confidence varies.  Also because it's easy to be confidant in statistics; however, even statistics only imply.   They aren't definite.

The main problem with the rest of this part of your analysis is that I said Elsecaller, not Edgedancer. :P Perhaps you're projecting your own thoughts onto me? 

As for my use of the :P emoji, I just like using it.  It adds a certain light-heartedness to my posts, I think.

7 hours ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

Obviously this vote is what made me decide to analyse Sage. So why did they vote for me? I hadn’t posted, read the thread, read my PM, or even logged onto the 17th Shard when they did. They give a humorous reason for doing so, but i would love to know why they chose to vote on a player that had not logged on yet, as i fail to see how that inspires discussion.

It was seriously just a joke. :P Here, Scarlet Octopus.  For the record, I didn't check your account for activity, and my post did ignite discussion.  So, success? :D 

Phew that took a long time to write.  Honestly, I'm a little suspicious of Taupe Gecko for their bandwagon-y, unexplained, apparently random vote.  Care to explain that, @Taupe Gecko?

Edited by Sage Kangaroo
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2 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

Nolan raised his eyebrow in surprise. He hadn’t expected that his comment about the sleeping villager would be interpreted as a call for violence and accusations. He just hoped that whoever it was would contribute to the discussion about the blacksmith. The whole village would need to solve this together. And with the fires slowly creeping up the mountain, enemies drawing nearer each day...

He would admit that he was perhaps not in the best position to be accusing a sleeping villager. He was running on fumes, staying up late to research and rising early each morning to spend time with his children; then, back to the library he went. He could hardly expect others to share his proclivity for sleep deprivation. 

His research... he didn’t want to think about that. The last book was on the Knights Radiant, and he was struggling with it. Mainly, because it suggested that its words were true because they contradicted religion, not in spite of it. While he should have dismissed it out of hand, being written by as famous a heretic as Jasnah Kholin, its arguments were so well written that he had trouble disagreeing. What if religion only held part of the truth about the Heralds and the Desolations? It was a scary thought, one that he tried not to consider. But he had to. He had been instructed in religion, and if he could not refute Jasnah’s claims with his extensive study, perhaps it was time to start believing her. Of course, Vorinism still held truth, more than any other religion, certainly. He made his way to the small chapel, deep in thought. He would pray, burn a glyphward, and talk to the ardents. 

Then, back to the library.

I will be going to church for the next 3 or 4 hours, so don’t expect me to respond immediately to comments. I will be back shortly afterward, however.

I'm pretty sure that this takes place during one of the earlier Desolations, at minimum 4500 years before Jasnah Kholin. Unless your character has somehow traveled in time with knowledge of the future, he should have never heard of Jasnah.


1 hour ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Hello, and no, it is not pink, it is salmon. There is a significant difference, and if you claim otherwise, I, along with my salmon brethren, will feast on your corpse.

I would try to discern who is who based on their RP, but now that there is about a handful of RPers, and I feel it would be illegal to reveal someone's true identity in thread, I will refrain from trying. 

So in this game, there are bad-guys and good-guys. Bad-guys are bad, and cannot tell "pink" from "salmon". Good-guys, on the other hand, have exquisite taste and know the difference from pink (ugh) and Salmon.

Luckily, there are no pink animals among us. It would make the game too easy: bad-guys are obviously pink.

While I am on my fashionable soapbox (because only things that go well with salmon matter in my life), I will say that @Fuchsia Ostrich needs to remove its vote from me. It is looking very pink right now... for that matter, Coral Swan and Magenta Albatross are pinkish as well. Now, don't take that as offense, my fellow animalings. Only Ostrich has displayed true pink behavior...

Excuse you, but I am not pink. Fuchsia is a noble color. That said, I will remove my vote from you as requested Salmon Meerkat

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16 hours ago, Taupe Gecko said:

Indigo Weasel because Weasels are known for treachery.

Me treacherous? I'm offended. 

Maybe if someone interested I'm not inactive just game start was not in the best time for me, in fact I just slept for too long.

Okay, will post more soon, right now I just don't have much else to say.

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Vanna had retired from the discussion for a short while to exchange her painter's supplies for a notebook, charcoal and a sketchbook. She'd been using the first two to make notes about the various accusations flying around, and had hoped to use the last one once the issue was resolved. That hope was gone now, as not only where there very few indications about who could have killed the blacksmith, but a lot of people seemed to be using the occasion to  vent all their grievances. Most of the accusations she'd recorded up until this point where for trivial reasons, such as jealousy, dislike of someone's name and one outright case of speci-ism. Then there was one fellow that seemed to be accusing himself. This was probably an accident, as it seemed the guy had been trying to defend himself from accusations against him, but still ( @Scarlet Octopus).

Of the accusations that remained, most had to do with people being lazy and slow to join the discussion, which Vanna thought was outright ridiculous. The sun hadn't even reached it's zenith yet, so it was to be expected that some people would be slow to wake up. She didn't think these accusations where in any way reasonable until at least  the afternoon began, so she added the names of the people making those accusations to the top of her list of suspects. Then she moved the people who'd been voting for trivial reasons to her list of suspects as well. However, a quick count revealed that this put almost a third of the village on the list. Vanna suppressed the urge to toss her notebook away. 

Instead, she reorganized the names to see if there was one person that people seemed to be ganging up on. The murderer would probably try to get someone else convicted for his crime, so he'd be best served by agreeing with someone else, rather than looking for a suspect on his own.


Swan(0): Tuatara

Meerkat(0): Ostrich

Weasel(1): gecko

Penguin(1): Beagle

mouse(1): Dingo

Dingo(1): Tuatara, Scorpion, Falcon

Elephant(1): Hyena

Axolotl(1): Dragonfly

Scorpion(1): Tuatara

Octopus(2): kangoroo, octopus, Gecko

corocodile(1): gorilla

Vulture(1): Scorpion

Gecko(1): Kangoroo

Unfortunately, this didn't help much either. Sure, it created a bit more order in the chaos, but it didn't reveal any great secrets. There was one guy that might fit the criteria she'd set out for a possible suspect, but he'd also been adamantly suspicious about two different people without retracting his suspicions on either, which just mad him seem indecisive or unsure (@Taupe Gecko). She'd keep an eye on him though.

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3 hours ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

Excuse you, but I am not pink. Fuchsia is a noble color. That said, I will remove my vote from you as requested Salmon Meerkat

I respect your proper taste in hue. Pardon me, I do not wish to offend a fellow non-pink.

However, I do have concern towards Taupe Gecko, for selling suspicious auto insurance and actually tipping the vote towards the Octopus. However, until I will refrain from further action for it to show its true colors.

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4 hours ago, Sage Kangaroo said:

:o  You've gone full Vizzini on me. 

Well, to start with, I'm just gonna point out it's not necessarily wise to assume a players sleep patterns.  Besides that, the connection Kangaroo-Australia-G'Day Mates is probably a bit more in line with my thought process than a convoluted attempt to hide my true speech patterns.  Besides, if I'd decided that the sole point of this game was to hide my identity in every way possibly, I would have ignored the rules of grammar and posted infrequently.  But that's not the point of this game, is it?

As for my use of the word color, well, I could say something about attempts to hide my true identity with improper spelling etcetera, but we've already established that's not my goal.  Unless it is, and this is a further attempt to deceive you? :P 

You may have a slight case of reading to much into things.  That's all I'm gonna say about your monologue about the word gamma.

Page count does not always directly imply discussion.  You can have ten pages of fluff, just as you can have two pages of highly effective and useful discussion.


That is the point of discussion...  I'm not saying it isn't.  And I don't know how long, which is why I didn't specify.  I could do the math, if you'd like.   And are you seriously asking why we can't indefinitely hold off the lynch?

Or I just like sounding a certain way.  "Simply excellent" has a certain flair to it, don't you think?  

That's what was happening.  My post reads as a response, because that's what it was.  Dialogue inspires discussion, and it's also an excellent way to read people.  And my certainty varies in part because, well, my confidence varies.  Also because it's easy to be confidant in statistics; however, even statistics only imply.   They aren't definite.

The main problem with the rest of this part of your analysis is that I said Elsecaller, not Edgedancer. :P Perhaps you're projecting your own thoughts onto me? 

As for my use of the :P emoji, I just like using it.  It adds a certain light-heartedness to my posts, I think.

It was seriously just a joke. :P Here, Scarlet Octopus.  For the record, I didn't check your account for activity, and my post did ignite discussion.  So, success? :D 

Phew that took a long time to write.  Honestly, I'm a little suspicious of Taupe Gecko for their bandwagon-y, unexplained, apparently random vote.  Care to explain that, @Taupe Gecko?

Yeah, I just wanted to have a memorable entrance. Also, it was really fun to come up with something to say for each of your sentences.

Hmm, I did misread Elsecaller as Edgedancer. Why the heck do you care if an elsecaller gets lynched?

And yes, I am asking why the lynch cannot be put off indefinitely. :P We have village killing roles, why not let them stain their hands with the blood of our comrades? No reason to have all of us be guilty.

10 minutes ago, Taupe Gecko said:

No, not really.

My early-game screwery shall not be comprehended that easily, thank you very much.

Scarlet Octopus.


[I'll start working on actual analysis after i eat.]

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4 hours ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

I'm pretty sure that this takes place during one of the earlier Desolations, at minimum 4500 years before Jasnah Kholin. Unless your character has somehow traveled in time with knowledge of the future, he should have never heard of Jasnah.

You’re probably right, looking back at the game intro. For some reason, I had interpreted it as being set on one of the Horneater Peaks on present-day Roshar, but your view makes much more sense. I fixed the original RP to reflect this. 

As for the rest of the discussion, Gecko isn’t really being helpful in explaining his seemingly random votes, but I haven’t really seen enough to convince me to move my vote to him. He could just be playing in a manner that makes his alignment difficult to discern, and while it’s annoying, I don’t think it justifies a lynch at this point in the game. I’ll wait and see what else unfolds, though. 

I concur with Scarlet Octopus that it is strange that @Sage Kangaroo is concerned about lynching an Elsecaller. Other than their ability to survive the lynch and spitefully take revenge on those who lynched them by voting for them in turn, I don’t really see a reason to fear lynching an Elsecaller. The only situation that may muddy the waters would be if the Elims pushed a lynch on their Elsecaller teammate in some kind of weird WGG, but I find that unlikely. But I’m getting sidetracked!

@Sunburst Toucanthank you for the vote count. Looking at it, our votes are very spread out. Do we want to consolidate votes on 1 or 2 players, or leave them the way they currently are? If we’re serious about a D1 lynch, than we should maybe start picking a few players we think are suspect. Again, I’d rather not lynch (or if I do, than I’d like to lynch an inactive), but if the village thinks someone needs to be lynched, maybe we should start moving votes now.

@Scarlet Octopus While it is entirely possible that we do have a village Dustbringer, we should still use the lynch at some point to kill those who we suspect. Coupled with the fact that the Elims might actually have the Dustbringer, and that we can’t tell our Dustbringer who to kill if we find them (that’d be like painting a huge target on their back), the lynch is still our best method of killing Elims. If a villager finds the Dustbringer, they should probably not tell anyone in the interest of keeping them alive. My opposition to the D1 lynch stems from my dislike of having to lynch an active player with no real evidence against them, not from my dislike of the lynch itself. Again, I’m fine with a D1 lynch of an inactive.

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11 minutes ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

:huh: Did I vote on someone? I don't recall doing that.

The man in red seemed confused now, and since Vanna had no real reason to suspect him, she decided she might as well help him out. "Well, you might not have meant to, but you where shouting really loudly that you thought you where suspicious. Sure, you where quoting that other guy, but you need to be careful about that, as it can easily be mistaken for something else if you don't do it right." 

(Red names outside of quote-boxes are technically votes, even if you are quoting someone).

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Elyle chuckled to himself as Emalia went up to her room. In the face of danger, some people became paranoid, or courageous. Apparently, others started looking for partners. Elyle's wife was gone, killed by the Blight four years back, and he wasn't interested in another relationship. It would feel too much like a betrayal of her memory. He went into the back room and smiled sadly as he watched his son play in the corner. One more reason to keep this town from falling to pieces. That's the only way I can protect Elysian.

Elyle posted another notice on his door, beside the first one. It read:

I will do my part to keep the town safe. In a day's time, those who haven't started pitching in will surely have a change of mind. Looking at them right now won't solve our problems. I charge Nolan with treason against this town, and when it comes time for killing, I'll hold the knife, tie the rope, or prepare the poison myself.

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Could I have a reason as to why I am being voted on? I’ve tried to contribute to discussion frequently, and while I have changed my stance on the lynch somewhat, I hadn't taken several facts into consideration that I should have. While I dislike playing the “new” card, it was mainly my inexperience that led to my initial full opposition to the D1 lynch. I’m fine with a vote on me based on the content of my posts, but I would appreciate an explanation as to why.

Edit: Since Violet Axoltol just showed up, I’m removing my vote on them. You’re fine, glad you’ve joined us! @Violet Axolotl


Edited by Ivory Dragonfly
Removed my vote, Axoltol posted like 2 seconds after me
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Gah! I forgot the game started yesterday, and I had work from 5 to midnight last night. My deepest apologies, @Ivory Dragonfly.

I'm going to look over everything in detail, but I just wanted to post to make sure people know that I am alive and active now. Sorry about that. :(

Edit: After reading the thread, I agree that it is way too difficult to comprehend all of these animal names. Though I do really like being an Axolotl. :)


Edited by Violet Axolotl
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It's kind of hard to say this in RP, so:

Killing an inactive is less helpful than forgoing the D1 lynch entirely. It gives no useful information. In the last LG, an inactive elim was lynched D1, and then nothing useful was gained from, despite the fact that there were two competing bandwagons and the identities of both players were learned. Furthermore, this game allows for pinch hitters, which means that killing inactive players will decrease the total activity level in this game. Killing an inactive D1 is an easy way out of an otherwise hard decision, which is why some people hold that position. It's a nice middle ground. But with this ruleset especially, it is only helpful to the eliminators to lynch an inactive player.

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10 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

It's kind of hard to say this in RP, so:

Killing an inactive is less helpful than forgoing the D1 lynch entirely. It gives no useful information. In the last LG, an inactive elim was lynched D1, and then nothing useful was gained from, despite the fact that there were two competing bandwagons and the identities of both players were learned. Furthermore, this game allows for pinch hitters, which means that killing inactive players will decrease the total activity level in this game. Killing an inactive D1 is an easy way out of an otherwise hard decision, which is why some people hold that position. It's a nice middle ground. But with this ruleset especially, it is only helpful to the eliminators to lynch an inactive player.

Unfortunately, I'm not really suspicious of anyone yet. if you don't want to lynch an inactive, who do you want to lynch? 

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1 minute ago, Coral Swan said:

Nolan/Ivory Dragonfly, which is where my vote currently is.

Ehhhh... I'm pretty sure I know who Dragonfly is, and they are a new player. I'd be inclined to let a new player go for now, and lynch them later. Killing them day one isn't the best way to integrate them into the community. 

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53 minutes ago, Sunburst Toucan said:

The man in red seemed confused now, and since Vanna had no real reason to suspect him, she decided she might as well help him out. "Well, you might not have meant to, but you where shouting really loudly that you thought you where suspicious. Sure, you where quoting that other guy, but you need to be careful about that, as it can easily be mistaken for something else if you don't do it right." 

(Red names outside of quote-boxes are technically votes, even if you are quoting someone).

Oh! Lmao. That is what you meant earlier that I was accusing myself. Scarlet Octopus

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Just now, Violet Axolotl said:

Is there any particular reason we need to figure out people's actual identities? Isn't anonymity kind of the whole point of this set-up? I mean, yes, I'd prefer not to lynch new players right away if possible, but I don't quite see why we need to know specifics.


It doesn't matter who we are. Who we are has no bearing on whether we are elims or not. 

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5 minutes ago, Violet Axolotl said:

Is there any particular reason we need to figure out people's actual identities? Isn't anonymity kind of the whole point of this set-up? I mean, yes, I'd prefer not to lynch new players right away if possible, but I don't quite see why we need to know specifics.

Probably because some people just enjoy to find identities of others, not for some certain reason. So I don't see any problems with people trying to figure out who is who. And if new player really in danger of being lynched I prefer not to lynch him\her so early.

1 hour ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

@Scarlet Octopus and @Taupe Gecko, one of you should really consider changing your vote to someone who has yet to receive one.  Let's let the Gods of Luck and Chance decide the first death!

Looks like we found Alv or atleast someone who tries to look like Alv. You want more ties did I understood you right? But right now no one gonna die because:


Ties will result in an even chance of death between all those tied for the most votes, with a single death occurring. Two votes minimum are required for a lynch.

And if this vote count is right:

4 hours ago, Sunburst Toucan said:

Swan(0): Tuatara

Meerkat(0): Ostrich

Weasel(1): gecko

Penguin(1): Beagle

mouse(1): Dingo

Dingo(1): Tuatara, Scorpion, Falcon

Elephant(1): Hyena

Axolotl(1): Dragonfly

Scorpion(1): Tuatara

Octopus(2): kangoroo, octopus, Gecko

corocodile(1): gorilla

Vulture(1): Scorpion

Gecko(1): Kangoroo

Right now no one will be lynched.

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