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[OB] What parts of Oathbringer touched you?


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Just now, CrazyRioter said:

I think he avoids writing it because he's not very good at it and doesn't want to write bad romance because people hate that.

Not having given it much thought while burying my head in the fantasies, the lack of simple romance hadn't properly registered with me before. I suppose I only really thought about it when Syl appeared as a person as opposed to a spren and I wondered about Kaladin's apparent lack of normal masculine reaction. I wonder how things might develop... I hope Brandon finds a way of bringing them together in some way, though I suspect that he has other plans for his principal characters.

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I personally believe that spren are probably asexual and aromantic so don't see that kind of relationship happening between them.  But this is all getting off topic.

I did love the moment when he can't swear the Fourth Ideal and she hugs him. I do love their relationship platonically.

Other platonic OTP Adolin and Maya.

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1 hour ago, CrazyRioter said:

I personally believe that spren are probably asexual and aromantic

My response to you is also one of my favorite scenes



"I’m to make sure you don’t accidentally mate, as mating is forbidden by human society until you have first performed appropriate rituals! Yes, yes. Mmmm. Dictates of custom require following certain patterns before you copulate. I’ve been studying this!”

“Oh, Stormfather,” Shallan said, covering her eyes with her freehand. A few shamespren even peeked in for a glimpse before vanishing. Twice in one week.

“Very well, you two,” Pattern said. “No mating. NO MATING.” He hummed to himself, as if pleased, then sank down onto a plate.


He leaned down. His breath smelled of spices, his uniform of the crisp, clean starch Dalinar required. His lips touched hers, and her heart fluttered. So warm.

“No mating!”


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People have already mentioned Teft, with the realization of what his addiction led to and his subsequent Oath.  That was certainly a big one, but I think it was one of only three powerful Bridge Four scenes.

I'm surprised the others haven't been mentioned yet.  Maybe they didn't hit other people as hard as they hit me.

The first chronologically is when Renarin comes to Rock and complains about how he's the odd one out (the middle of chapter 37).  He goes on about how he's always the odd one -- the one Truthwatcher in a group of Windrunners, the one guy who can't fight, the one guy who's always been pressured by those around him, who's always been seen as unmasculine and weird.  Then Rock points out himself, who won't fight.  He points out Dabbid, who can't.  Renarin admits that Rock, Dabbid, and Lopen are all out of the ordinary, but he insists that he's still the oddest one of the bunch.

Then Rock points to Rlain.

Renarin responds, and so does Rock.  The whole scene is beautiful.

But perhaps the most touching scene comes at the end of a chapter called "Alone Together" (chapter 55, for those who care).  Rock asks how many of Bridge Four have come to him, saying they feel like they don't fit in anymore, and basically all of them admit that they feel that way.  Maybe it's that it builds so well on the previous scene mentioned, like a one-two knockout punch, but this is the scene where I realized that, forget The Stormlight Archive.  All I really want to read is The Bridge Four Archive, with Dalinar as an honorary member.  They have all the best scenes.

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On 06/02/2018 at 7:37 PM, Vissy said:

It's just down to Sanderson not wanting to write people like normal people. With him it's usually normal people minus sexuality.

Strange to have to admit that I'd never realised this—but I think you're right. I suppose that, given all the other complications of his worlds and characters, adding 'normal' romance would probably be a step too far!

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16 hours ago, galendo said:

The first chronologically is when Renarin comes to Rock and complains about how he's the odd one out (the middle of chapter 37).  He goes on about how he's always the odd one -- the one Truthwatcher in a group of Windrunners, the one guy who can't fight, the one guy who's always been pressured by those around him, who's always been seen as unmasculine and weird.  Then Rock points out himself, who won't fight.  He points out Dabbid, who can't.  Renarin admits that Rock, Dabbid, and Lopen are all out of the ordinary, but he insists that he's still the oddest one of the bunch.

Then Rock points to Rlain.

Renarin responds, and so does Rock.  The whole scene is beautiful.

oh yeah thanks for mentioning this scene I loved that one. Before I was kind of meh on renarin as a character but after this book and that scen I'm like I totally like this guy haha Great one!


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On 06/02/2018 at 10:54 PM, CrazyRioter said:

I personally believe that spren are probably asexual and aromantic so don't see that kind of relationship happening between them.  But this is all getting off topic.

I did love the moment when he can't swear the Fourth Ideal and she hugs him. I do love their relationship platonically.

Other platonic OTP Adolin and Maya.

I should have looked more widely for comments on a Syl/Kaladin relationship. There's a lot of comment in [OB] Kaladin's love life? I won't try to summarise because there's too much there, but a surprising number of supporters for such a relationship exists.

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Couple of moments so far in my reread

Skar moment 

"I think I'm going to to have to get used to smelly Horneaters, Rock" Skar said. "I'm thinking of joining your support team."

"You think I will let you anywhere near cook pot?"

"I might not ever learn to fly." He squished the part of him that whimpered at that. "I need to come to terms with the fact. So, I'll have to find another way to help."

"Ha. And the fact that you are glowing now with Stormlight right now is not at all consideration in decision?"


That moment when you just think your not good enough and start thinking of giving up. I can feel Skar's pride crushed, and this made me tear up


Bier of Bridge 4

"Go walk with your family, Rock. We can handle the bridge without you today. We have Stormlight."

Lunamor rested his fingers on the smooth wood."No." He said "It will be a privilege to carry him one last time, for my family."

"One last time?" Kaladin said

"We take to the skies, Stormblessed," Lunamor said. "We will walk no more in coming days. This is the end." He looked back toward a subdued Bridge Four group, who seemed to sense that what he said was true. "Ha! Do not look so sad. I left a great stew back near the city. Hobber will probably not ruin it before we return. Come! Pick up our bridge. The last time, we march not toward death, but toward full stomach and good songs!"

Despite his urging, it was a solemn, respectful group who lifted the bridge. They were slaves no longer. Storms, in their pockets they carried riches! It glowed fiercely, and soon their skin did as well.

Kaladin took his place at the front. Together they carried the bridge on one final run--reverently, as if it were the bier of a king, being taken to his tomb for his eternal rest.


This part really had me tearing up. That bridge caused them so much grief and hardship but it is also forged them to become who they are. It became part of them, and they have to move on from it. Made me wanna reread the first book again. 

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A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward we must accept.

It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us.

But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination.

To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one. --Brandon Sanderson (via Oathbringer)


This was a personal sock in the gut.  Fantastic wisdom, really.  I actually posted this particular paragraph on my Facebook, I loved it so much!

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