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Just dropping in to say hellooooo on my search for more Brandon writing (just a few short pieces left, besides his WOT works and video game book adaptations).  Currently seeking out the prose versions of his white sand work as I honestly can't stand it in the graphic medium (the art is cool but the dialogue comes across like the main character is Nelson from the Simpson's; stupid and uncaring.) and anything else I can get.

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Danke!  I'm definitely curious about the cookies so far, which seems suspect.


Originally it was Mistborn, I'm in my 5th or more re-reading, you do lose count.  Once I discovered what the Cosmere really was, I got very very lost and have little left to read besides prime and unpublished works.  WoK and the work he does in that rivals Mistborn to the point that it's hard to say, but it may be my favorite.  In the end, I feel like the Cosmere as a whole is the work I yearn for and have a hard time separating individual novels.  Rithmatist and Warbreaker are also tops.  To expand the question in the other direction, Mistborn secret history and the prose within the graphic version of white sand were disappointing even though useful on the Cosmere stage, and Oathbringer was not nearly as polished as I expected.

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2 minutes ago, Algavinn said:

I'm in my 5th or more re-reading, you do lose count. 

I agree, The re-readings are hard to keep track of after about 3 or 4. What is the book that you would say you have re-read the most times? For me it's either Fablehaven (I read that almost nonstop when I was in 6th grade) or Words of Radiance. Also, as a followup question, How many re-reads do you think are too many?

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Probably Mistborn, or Enders Game.  I re-read both each year, most of the time.  I never get tired of wonderfully told interesting stories and beautiful characters.  I just wish Orson Scott Cards talent stuck around and that he wasn't a bigot, so that I'd had more to enjoy from him.  Much health and many years to Brandon.

I can't imagine there being too many re-reads, I enjoy the story each time, even though the surprise is generally gone, I relive the greatest portions and still feel the plot pulling me along, now with a different kind of excitement, instead of curiosity I have a momentum because I know where the path leads and am excited even more for it.  Some stories I haven't read in so long that I am not fresh with all of it, so still get to re-discover it.  With the Magician Series by Raymond E. Feist, I've only read it all two or three times and many many years between readings, so much of it is fresh.  With Brandon, there are soooo many details and links, that I learn more with each reading.  I'm rereading WoK in the middle of re-finishing the mistborn trilogy (I stopped that to read OB, then got caught in that loop).  

How about yours?  Favorites? FH and WoR?

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