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20 hours ago, ElephantEarwax said:

Welcome to the Shard. Have a cookie and a upvote. 

For initiation could you say, "My life to yours, my Breath become yours"?

Who is your favorite character in the cosmere?



"For initiation could you say, "My life to yours, my Breath become yours"?"

"I also do not attempt to steal Breath."

Is this a trick? :mellow:


My favorite character in the Cosmere.. That's a hard one. I am very interested in Hoid, as I'm sure everyone is. I really loved Lightsong. I really like the spren personalities like Syl and Pattern... How's that?

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30 minutes ago, elizile said:


"For initiation could you say, "My life to yours, my Breath become yours"?"

"I also do not attempt to steal Breath."

Is this a trick? :mellow:


My favorite character in the Cosmere.. That's a hard one. I am very interested in Hoid, as I'm sure everyone is. I really loved Lightsong. I really like the spren personalities like Syl and Pattern... How's that?

I listened to Warbreaker and while OK for about 95% of the book, the narrator made Lightsong come off as a philosophically conflicted surfer-dude vocally. I REALLY liked his character arc and the reveals about his first life towards the end. I liked him a lot despite the imprint/impression the voicework gave me of him. =p

Hoid has only gotten better. I liked the level of his inclusion in OB, as well.

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